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Sales Portal: Overview

Sales portals (also known as Concierge portals) are a comfortable way to sell your products in Concierge mode from the web.

Lucia Burin Sestakova avatar
Written by Lucia Burin Sestakova
Updated over 8 months ago

When set up, you and your partners can do business in separate spaces connected to the same resource - the Ventrata dashboard.


For optimal user experience, please use the latest version of your browser. If you experience any issues while using the portal, please reach out using the chat icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.


The page can be navigated through the top nav bar and selectors, which consist of the following items:

Depending on the access level of your account, you may not see all of the items listed below.


This is the first page when accessing the portal.

πŸ“— TIP

If you set up Destinations in the Ventrata dashboard, you will be redirected to the destination selector first. Once you pick the destination, a list of products assigned to the destination is displayed.

The Products page contains products created in the Ventrata dashboard. When making a booking, you can begin by selecting a product from the Product Board (11).


Review bookings and tickets made using the portal. You can also perform a number of actions on this page:

  • search for a booking or ticket using the search bar on the far left

  • save and manage past searches using the Saved Searches button

  • create new labels using the Labels button


Labels can be assigned to bookings when they are made or after the booking is made in Ventrata dashboard > Bookings. You can create new labels in the sales portal and view them in the 'Label' column once the column is added.

  • when a column has been sorted using the up or down arrow, the Reset All Filters button appears, which resets all columns to their default state

  • customise your view by adding or removing columns using the Show Columns button

  • export data in your view in CSV, Excel or SQL format using the Export button

  • build a reporting tool with the Generate Report button; you can also print or download reports in Excel or CSV format


Review and manage product availabilities.

πŸ“— TIP

Read our article about Calendars to learn more.

Redeem Voucher Code

Redeem vouchers from the sales portal.

πŸ“— TIP
Read our article how to Redeem Voucher Code to learn more.

Sales Portal - Redeem Voucher Code

New Order

Create a new booking, retail purchase or gift card.

πŸ“— TIP
Read our article on how to make a New Order to learn more.

Sales Portal - New Order


Use this button to log out of your account.


If your portal is available in multiple languages, press the language variant to select another.

Sales Portal - Language Selection

Destination Selector

If there are destinations associated with your account, a drop-down menu of your destinations is available below the navigation bar. Switch between destinations to view specific products available in those destinations.

Search Bar

Search for a specific product using the search bar. Begin typing the product name and the product board is filtered immediately returning only matching results.

If you press the ENTER or RETURN key at the end of your search, it will clear your search.

Category Selector

Product categories group products together across the Ventrata infrastructure. Categories can be used to reorder products by, for example, price or popularity, or to group products of the same type (boat ride, guided tours).

πŸ“— TIP
Read our article on Categories to learn more.

Sales Portal - Product categories

Product Board

The board displays products associated with the selected destination ( 8 ) and category (10), results from the search bar (9) are also displayed in this space. Selecting any product starts a new booking flow.


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