Articles on: Connectivity

Groupon Reseller Connection

Connection Capabilities

Groupon supports:
Availability. Your availability for connected offers on Groupon will be synced with Ventrata. Normally Groupon only offer next 60 days of availability on their site.
Pricing. Your Groupon Discounted Price and Original Price will be synced with Retail and Strike prices in Ventrata respectively.
Booking. Pending Bookings, Bookings, and Cancellations made on Groupon will be automatically made in Ventrata. Ventrata ticket (QRcode, barcode, or PDF) will be issued with Groupon customer voucher.
Redemption. Ventrata will immediately notify Groupon when their booking in Ventrata changes status to redeemed.

Groupon doesn't support:
Mapping. Groupon product mapping can be completed only by Groupon team. Contact your Groupon account manager or Groupon Merchant Support to assist with the process (see Mapping Products below).
Content. Groupon doesn't pull product content from Ventrata. Contact your Groupon account manager or Groupon Merchant Support to manage content.

Setting up the Connection

You must have a merchant account with Groupon. If you aren't yet working with Groupon, inquire about setting up an account here:

Create Groupon Reseller in Ventrata. If you haven't yet, create Groupon as a Reseller and configure it's settings (band, commission, products, etc.).
Create a Connection in Ventrata. In your Ventrata Dashboard, go to Connections > Connections, then click + New Connection and select Groupon from the list of available options. Set the connection Name, link the Reseller created in Step 1, and click Create Connection. If necessary, you may also whitelist/blacklist destinations or products you wish this connection to have access to.

Mapping Products

Share Mapping Information with Groupon. In your Ventrata Dashboard, go to Connections > Connections, then select your Groupon connection from the list of created connections (see section above). The page will display the list of products you have made available to Groupon (based on reseller, reseller band and connection settings). Column "GROUPON PARTNER PRODUCT ID" will display the IDs Groupon team need in order to complete the mapping on their side (Note these IDs differ from those you may use with other reseller connections!). Contact your Groupon account manager or Groupon Merchant Support requesting to have your products connected to "Ventrata", providing them with the IDs shown. You can copy this information from the page or download as a CSV file by clicking "Download Product List" button.

Experiencing other issues? Reach out to Ventrata Support.

Updated on: 23/02/2024

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