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How to Use Questions

Questions allow you to create customisable queries for customers to answer before completing a booking.

Lucia Burin Sestakova avatar
Written by Lucia Burin Sestakova
Updated over 3 months ago

Questions can be either open-ended, close-ended or opt-in, ensuring essential information is gathered efficiently.

Visibility settings enable questions to be displayed by whitelisting or blacklisting destinations, resellers or products, or restricted to specific sources, such as Web Checkout or Backoffice. You can also apply badges to questions, providing instant visibility of customer responses within the order details.

Create a Question

  1. In the Ventrata dashboard, go to the Products > Questions .

    Products - Questions

  2. Press the + New Question button in the action bar.

    + New Question

  3. Enter a label.

    • For a close-ended question, where the answers are predefined and the customer must choose only one, this can be the question itself.

    • If you want to have multiple questions in succession, this can be a section header.


  4. Enter a hint for your customer explaining why you need to know the answer to the question.


  5. In the 'Options' field,

    • for a close-ended question, provide the answer options, either Yes/No or multiple options the customer can choose from

      Options: Close-Ended Question

      📒 NOTE

      The customer can only choose one of the answers.

    • for an opt-in, this can be the question itself

      Options: Opt-In

    • for an open-ended question, you can leave the field empty to allow the customer provide the answer in their own words

      Options: Open-Ended Question

  6. You have the option to assign a badge to the booking, when the question is answered. Check the 'Badge' box.

  7. Enter a 'Badge Tag', or a recognisable text when the badge is applied.

  8. Select the colour of the badge.


  9. You can make the question required and the customer cannot complete the booking without first answering the question.


  10. If the question is open-ended and no options are provided, you can limit the customer's answer to a certain number of characters in the 'Max Length' field.

  11. Choose where the question should appear:

    • Order - during the checkout process, this only applies to bookings made through the Backoffice

    • Booking - on the web checkout and terminal the question appears right after selecting the number of tickets and tour times, or during the ticket and tour time selection on the Backoffice

    • Ticket - during booking the answer to the same question then has to be provided for each ticket in the selected tiers;

  12. If you selected 'Ticket' above, select also which ticket tiers need to provide an answer to the question.

  13. Select which sources will display the question.

    Question Settings

  14. Select destinations, products, resellers or reseller bands to blacklist them, that is to prevent the question from appearing to the selections. Conversely, uncheck the 'Whitelist All ... ' checkbox and select specific destinations, products, resellers or reseller bands to display the question only to those selections.


  15. Press the Create Question button.

    Create Question

Questions in the Booking Flow

This example illustrates how the Questions functionality replaces the 'Wheelchair Access Available' option on the Product detail page.

📣 Please note that as of 8 May 2024, the wheelchair accessibility checkbox has been removed from the product detail and wheelchair access can now be requested using the Questions functionality. The wheelchair accessibility option on existing products has been automatically migrated to the Questions page. However, where this accessibility feature is yet to be implemented, please follow the this guide. 📣

Example setup:




Request Wheelchair Access


Do you require wheelchair access?



Badge Tag

Wheelchair Access

Question On



Web Checkout

The customer selects a product. Then they select the number of units, date and tour time of the attraction if available. Then they press the Continue button where a page with all the questions associated with the booking appear. Once they answered the question, they continue to the Checkout and Payment pages to complete the booking.


On the Bookings page of the Ventrata dashboard, you can add the question column to display the customer's answer,

Bookings Table

while the detail of the specific booking contains both the badge, which is immediately visible in the order details, and the question and the answer.

Booking Detail
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