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How to Use Reclaims

A reclaim is an adjustment for an invoice you can add or subtract from an invoice.

Written by Lucia Burin Sestakova
Updated over a week ago

A reclaim is an adjustment for an invoice you can add or subtract from an invoice.

Say, you had to do a partial refund or got a chargeback and you want to deduct part of the reseller commission. You add a negative reclaim.

When you refund a booking, and it is a voucher sale, you get the option to add to shift (if the shift hasn’t been reconciled). And you also get the option to compensate a reseller (as in, still give them a commission for that sale even though the customer complained). That compensation automatically creates a reclaim for the next invoice.

This section shows an overview of your Reclaims with the following default columns:

  • Reseller

  • Amount

  • Invoice Status (Paid, Overdue, Confirmed, Draft, Un-invoiced)

  • Reference

You may show also Invoice columns by using the Show Columns button.

If you want to return to the default settings, click the Reset All Filters button located in the right top corner of the screen. If you want to keep the displayed search for later, you may use the Saved Searches button, which allows you to save the search, or use the Export button to download it.

To generate new and manage already existing reports, hit Generate Report button.

This allows you to Show the Total, Minimum, Maximum, Average or Count of:

  • Amount


  • Reseller

  • Invoice Status

  • Reference

You may also edit existing or create a new reclaim with the + New Reclaim button with the following information:

  • Reference

  • Reseller

  • Currency

  • Amount

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