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How to Set up Roles

Roles group users with similar responsibilities into categories, each equipped with a set of permissions within the Ventrata dashboard.

Written by Lucia Burin Sestakova
Updated over a week ago

Roles group users with similar responsibilities into categories. Each role has a defined set of permissions within areas of the Ventrata dashboard, so called Dataset Permissions, as well as action permissions which extend the role's capabilities in an area.

πŸ“— TIP

A user can be assigned more than one role.

Create a Role

  1. In the Ventrata dashboard, go to Admin > Account Settings

  2. Press the Roles tab.


  3. In the action bar, press the + New Role button.

  4. Enter role name. Use a descriptive title indicative of the role's function in your organisation, such as Accounts Team or Reseller Management.


  5. Under Dataset Permissions, select 'See' and 'Modify' next to the area which the role should be able to view and edit.

    πŸ“’ NOTE

    To view the list of dataset permissions, jump to the Dataset Permissions section.

    πŸ“— TIP

    You have the option to press the SELECT READ ALL and SELECT WRITE ALL buttons to give the role read/write access to all areas of the dashboard.

  6. Select which columns are disabled for the role or keep 'All Columns' checked to keep all columns visible.

    Dataset Permissions

  7. De-select which action permissions are not available to the role.

    πŸ“’ NOTE
    To view the list of action permissions, jump to the Action Permissions section.

    πŸ“— TIP

    By default, all action permissions are allowed. You have the option to press the DE-SELECT ALL button to disallow all and cherry pick individual permissions.

    Action Permissions

  8. Press the Create Role button.

    Create Role

  9. Assign role to users.

    πŸ“— TIP

    To learn how to create users, read our article Users.

Dataset Permissions


In the table below, permissions in the 'Modify' column are always added on top of 'See' permissions. Therefore, if both 'See' and 'Modify' are enabled, the role has all the permissions listed in the dataset row.

Dataset Permission




has access to the Bookings > Adjustments page and can view booking detail with adjustment

has access to Restore functionality


has access to the Resellers > Agents page and can view agent detail

can delete, update and duplicate agents; has access to Restore functionality


has access to the Web Checkout > Articles page and can view article detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate articles


has access to the Products > Availabilities page and can view availability detail

can delete, update and duplicate availabilities


has access to the Resellers > Bands page and can view band detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate bands; has access to Restore and Pricing functionality


has access to the Products > Barcodes page, can view barcode detail and download barcodes csv

can create, delete, update and duplicate barcodes


has access to the Resellers > Batches page and can view batch detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate batches

Bill Items

can view the Bill Item section of the bill detail on the Supplier Settings > Bills page

has access to the TRANSACTION FEE button on the bill detail under bill item


has access to the Supplier Settings > Bills page and can view bill detail

This section comes with the new Ventrata pricing plan. If you cannot see this section, reach out to your Ventrata account manager to learn more.


has access to the Bookings > Bookings page, can view booking detail and can create, delete, update and duplicate Labels


has access to the Products > Brands page and can view brand detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate brands


has access to the Products > Campaigns page and can view campaign detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate campaigns, can set up campaign managers


has access to the Supplier Settings > Channels page and can view channel detail

can create, delete, update and merge channels


has access to the Products > Closures page and can view closure detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate closures


has access to the Activity > Comments page and can view comment detail


has access to the Ticket Terminals > Configs page and can view config detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate configs


has access to the Connections > Connections page and can view connection detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate connections; has access to Restore functionality


has access to the Products > Counters page and can view counter detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate counters


has access to the Booking > Customers page and can view customer detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate customers; has access to Restore functionality


has access to the Products > Destinations and can view destination detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate destinations; has access to Restore functionality


has access to the Pickups > Dispatches and can view dispatch detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate dispatches


has access to the Transactions > Disputes page and can view dispute detail

can update dispute and submit evidence


has access to the Ticket Terminals > Duties page and can view duty detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate duties; has access to Restore functionality

Email Templates

has access to the Products > Email Templates page and can view template detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate email templates


has access to the Web Checkouts > Events page and can view event detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate events


has access to the Supplier Setting > Gateways page and can view gateway detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate gateways; has access to Restore functionality


has access to the Bookings > Gifts page, can view gift detail and create, delete, update and duplicate Labels

Helpdesk Tickets

has access to the Helpdesk Tickets page and can view ticket detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate tickets; has access to Restore functionality

Make sure that 'See All Helpdesk Tickets' is enabled in Action Permissions to view tickets created by other users.


has access to the Resellers > Invoices page and can view invoice detail


has access to the Products > Items page and can view item detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate items; has access to Restore functionality


has access to the Products > Itineraries page and can view itinerary detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate itineraries;

Ledger Codes

has access to the Supplier Settings > Ledger Codes page and can view code detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate ledger codes; has access to Restore functionality


has access to the Transactions > Ledgers page and can view ledger detail

can create and update ledgers


has access to the Ticket Terminals > Locations page and can view location detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate locations; has access to Restore functionality


has access to the Ticket Terminals > Messages page and can view message detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate messages; can create, delete, update and duplicate Templates


has access to the Activity > Notifications page and can view notification detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate notifications

Operator Invoices

has access to the Products > Operator Invoices page and can view invoice detail

can view bookings, delete and update operator invoices


has access to the Products > Operators page and can view operator detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate operators; has access to the Restore functionality


has access to the Products > Options page

has access to the Restore functionality


has access to the Bookings > Orders page, can view order detail


has access to the Web Checkouts > Pages page and can view page detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate pages


has access to the Pickups > Pickups and can view pickup detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate pickups; has access to Restore functionality


can view Ventrata pricing plans

can switch to different pricing plan


has access to the Resellers > Portals page and can view portal detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate portals; has access to Restore functionality


has access to the Ticket Terminals > Presets page and can view preset detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate presets

Print Errors

has access to the Ticket Terminals > Print Errors page and can view error detail


has access to the Products > Products page and can view product detail;

can create, delete, update and duplicate products; has access to Restore functionality; can update product metadata

can create tickets (units), cutoffs, fields, extras, options, tours and tour groups;

can modify rates, add combinations and comparisons;

can upload product images,

can add and delete product FAQs, Highlights, Website Meta Tags


has access to the Products > Promotions page and can view promotion detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate promotions; can download and print promo codes; has access to the Restore functionality


has access to the Bookings > Item Purchases page, can view purchase detail and create, delete, update and duplicate Labels


has access to the Products > Questions page and can view question detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate questions; has access to the Restore functionality


has access to the Products > Rates page and can use the Debug tool


has access to the Products > Receipts page and can view receipt detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate receipt templates, can edit receipt layout


has access to the Resellers > Reclaims page and can view reclaim detail

can delete, update and duplicate reclaims


has access to the Supplier Settings > Registries page and can view registry detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate registries


has access to the Activity > Requests page and can view request detail


has access to the Resellers > Resellers page and can view reseller detail;

can delete, update and duplicate resellers; has access to Restore functionality;

can reset agent password;

Make sure the 'Update Reseller Settings' under Action Permission is also enabled to be able to edit reseller fields.

can create, delete, update and duplicate outlets;

has access to Pricing (Export) functionality

can delete branding;

can add comments

Resource Allocations

has access to the Bookings > Resource Allocations page and can view allocation detail


has access to the Products > Resources page and can view resource detail

can create, delete and update resources;

can manage resource availability;

can create, delete, update and duplicate resource groups;


has access to the Roles page and can view role detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate roles


has access to the Pickups > Routes page and can view route detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate routes


has access to the Ticket Terminals > Scans page and can view scan detail


has access to the Ticket Terminals > Sellers page and can view seller detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate sellers; has access to Restore functionality


has access to the Supplier Settings > Sequences page and can view sequence detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate sequences

Shift Adjustments

has access to the Ticket Terminals > Shift Adjustments page and can view adjustment detail

can edit transaction adjustments and cash declaration


has access to the Ticket Terminals > Shifts page, can view shift detail and can edit transaction adjustments and cash declaration

can mark shift as test and re-open shift; has access to the Restore functionality


has access to the Products > Stocks page and can view stock detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate stocks


has access to the Account Settings > Suppliers page and can view supplier detail

can create suppliers; has access to the Restore functionality


has access to the Bookings > Tasks page and can view task detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate tasks

Make sure that 'Resolve Tasks' is enabled in Action Permissions if the role should have this capability.

Tax Rates

has access to the Products > Tax Rates page and can view rate detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate tax rates; has access to the Restore functionality


has access to the Products > Templates page and can view template detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate templates, can edit template layout


has access to the Ticket Terminals > Terminals page, can view terminal detail and can deactivate terminal

can create, delete, update and duplicate terminals; has access to the Restore functionality


has access to the Bookings > Tickets page and can view ticket detail


has access to the Resellers > Topups page and can view topup detail


has access to the Transactions > Transactions page and can view transaction detail


has access to the Transactions > Transfers page and can view transfer detail


has access to the Products > Units page and can view unit detail

can delete, update and duplicate units; has access to the Restore functionality


has access to the Bookings > Extra Upgrades page and can view upgrade detail


has access to the Users page and can view user detail

can create, delete and update users, can reset user password; has access to the Restore functionality


has access to the Resellers > Vouchers page and can view voucher detail

can create, delete and update vouchers; can download voucher codes and print voucher templates; has access to the Restore functionality


has access to the Products > Waivers page and can view waiver detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate waivers


has access to the Connections > Webhooks page and can view webhook detail

can create, delete, update and duplicate webhooks

Action Permissions

Action Permission




Create Order

can create new bookings, retail purchases, or gift cards, or redeem voucher codes using the Backoffice, can also access Sales Portals

Edit Order

can save edited order detail such as currency, notification emails and notes using the EDIT ORDER button on the booking detail, can also edit customer information

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Purchases / Adjustments / Gifts / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Edit Order Reseller

using the EDIT ORDER button on the booking detail, the role can edit reseller details

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Purchases / Adjustments / Gifts / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Edit Order

Add Custom Pickup

if 'Allow Custom Pickup' is enabled on the product level, the role can add a custom pickup when booking a tour

Create Order

Offer Promotion

if there are promotions created under Products > Promotions , the role can apply promotions to bookings

Create Order

Show Commission

can view reseller commission on the booking detail

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Adjustments / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Promotion Dropdown

when enabled, non-public promotions are displayed from a dropdown instead of a list on the booking form

Create Order

Edit Adjustments

can add price adjustment on the booking form

Create Order

Void Transactions

can void a transaction on the booking detail

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Purchases / Adjustments / Gifts / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):


Edit Transactions

can edit a transaction on the booking detail

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Purchases / Adjustments / Gifts / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):


Edit Comments

can edit and delete user comments


Permission Level(s):


See Comments

Create Reclaim

can create reclaims on the Resellers > Reclaims page


Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Create Top-up

can create top-ups on the Resellers > Topups page

Top up

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Test Order

can flag an order as test, by using the + New Order button or by using the EDIT ORDER button on the booking detail of an existing order

Create Order

Redeem Booking

can redeem a booking using the Redeem button on the booking detail

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Adjustments / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

No-show Booking

can mark a booking as no-show using the No-Show button on the booking detail

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Adjustments / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Un-redeem Booking

can un-redeem a booking using the Un-Redeem button on the booking detail

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Adjustments / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Add Transaction

can add a payment to an order

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Purchases / Adjustments / Gifts / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Refund Transaction

can refund an order

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Purchases / Adjustments / Gifts / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Update Booking

can update a booking using the Make Changes button on the booking detail

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Adjustments / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Update Future Booking

can update a booking with a travel date in the future using the Make Changes button on the booking detail

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Adjustments / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Update Cancelled Booking

can update a booking in 'Cancelled' state using the Make Changes button on the booking detail

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Adjustments / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Cancel Booking

can cancel a booking using the Cancel Booking button on the booking detail

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Adjustments / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Edit Shift

can edit shifts on the Ticket Terminals > Shifts page


Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Merge Shift

can merge ended, reconciled or approved shifts on the Ticket Terminals > Shifts page


Permission Level(s):


Approve Shift

can use the 'Toggle Approved' bulk action functionality on the Ticket Terminals > Shifts page


Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

See Bulk Actions

Create Invoice

can create an invoice on the Resellers > Invoices page


Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Create Reseller

can create a reseller on the Resellers > Resellers page


Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Edit Invoice

can edit an invoice using the EDIT INVOICE button on the invoice detail


Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Edit Top-up

can edit a top-up using the EDIT TOP-UP button on the top-up detail


Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Confirm Invoice

can confirm invoices on the Resellers > Invoices page


Permission Level(s):


Void Invoice

can void invoices on the Resellers > Invoices page


Permission Level(s):


Confirm Top-up

can confirm a paid top-up on the top-up detail


Permission Level(s):


Save Searches

can create private saved searches


Permission Level(s):


Save Public Searches

can create public saved searches


Permission Level(s):


Save Searches

Book Historically

can create orders with travel dates set in the past

Create Order

Allow Freesale

can override product availability during booking

Create Order

See Booking Updates

can view booking updates in logs below booking details

Bookings / Tickets / Tasks / Extra Upgrades / Item Purchases / Adjustments / Gifts / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify


See Comments

Update Availability

can see and modify General Availability, Opening Hours and Allocations tabs on the product level


Permission Level(s):


See Margin

can see margin on the booking detail

Bookings / Tickets / Adjustments / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):


See Bulk Action

can see bulk actions on dashboard tables where available


Permission Level(s):


See Intercom

can see Ventrata chat support icon

Generate Reports


Permission Level(s):


Data Export

can export data in CSV, Excel or SQL formats


Permission Level(s):


Data Pagination

can see page number and use pagination options (next/previous page and select the number of items per page)


Permission Level(s):


See Product Operator

can see the product operator in the product details of the booking detail and booking form

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Adjustments / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):



See Internal Notes

can see private notes on the booking detail and booking form

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Adjustments / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):


Update Reseller Settings

can edit fields on the reseller detail


Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Update Bands

can create, delete, update and duplicate bands; has access to Restore and Pricing functionality


Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Manage Agent Accounts

can create and deactivate reseller agent accounts


Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

See Seller Pins

can view seller's pin on seller detail


Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Reconcile Order

can reconcile an order using the RECONCILE ORDER button on the booking detail

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Extra Upgrades / Purchases / Adjustments / Gifts / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Edit Order

Modify Manifests

can create, delete, update and duplicate manifests in the calendar using the Manifests button

Save Calendar

Resolve Tasks

can resolve tasks


Permission Level(s):


See All Helpdesk Tickets

can view helpdesk tickets created by other users

Helpdesk Tickets

Permission Level(s):


Pay by Card

card payment is allowed

Create Order

Pay by Cash

cash payment is allowed

Create Order

Pay by Voucher

payment by voucher is allowed

Create Order

Pay by Gift Voucher

payment by gift voucher is allowed

Create Order

Pay by Other

other (custom) payment methods are allowed

Create Order

Cancel Future Booking

can cancel bookings with a travel date in the future using the Cancel Booking button on the booking detail

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Adjustments / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

See Comments

can view all logs (user comments and system updates) below the booking detail


Permission Level(s):


See Source

on the booking detail, can view which source the order was made from

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Purchases / Adjustments / Gifts / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):


See Reseller

on the booking detail, can view which reseller made the order

Bookings / Tickets / Orders / Upgrades / Purchases / Adjustments / Gifts / Resource Allocations

Permission Level(s):


See Dashboard

can view the Dashboard page

See Targets

has access to the Ticket Terminals > Targets page

See Duties

has access to the Ticket Terminals > Duties page

See Checkouts

has access to the Web Checkouts > Checkouts page

See Rewards

has access to the Resellers > Rewards page

See Categories

has access to the Products > Categories page

See Seasons

has access to the Products > Seasons page

See Notices

has access to the Products > Notices page

See Routes

has access to the Pickup > Routes page

See Pricing

has access to the Pricing page

See Calendar

can view the Calendar tab in the navigation bar and can access manifests created by other roles

See Settings

See Custom Reports

has access to other users' public reports


Permission Level(s):


Generate Reports

See Charts

has access to other users' public charts


Permission Level(s):


Generate Reports

Recreate Ledgers

can recreate ledgers on the Ledgers table.


Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

See Bulk Actions

Modify Dashboard

can save and manage private and public dashboard page views

See Dashboard

Modify Targets

can create, delete, update and duplicate targets on the Ticket Terminals > Targets page

See Targets

Modify Duties

can create, delete, update and duplicate duties on the Ticket Terminals > Duties page

See Duties

Modify Checkouts

can create, delete, update and duplicate checkouts on the Web Checkouts > Checkouts page

See Checkouts

Modify Rewards

can create, delete, update and duplicate rewards on the Resellers > Rewards page

See Rewards

Modify Categories

can create, delete, update and duplicate season on the Products > Categories page

See Categories

Modify Seasons

can create, delete, update and duplicate season on the Products > Seasons page

See Seasons

Modify Notices

can create, delete, update and duplicate notices on the Products > Notices page

See Notices

Modify Routes

can create, delete, update and duplicate routes on the Pickup > Routes page

See Routes

Modify Pricing

can modify pricing on the Pricing page

See Pricing

Modify Calendar

can assign guides and resources in the manifest

Availabilities, Resources

Permission Level(s):

See & Modify

Update Availability, See Calendar


Modify Settings

See Settings

Modify Custom Reports

can update, delete and duplicate reports

See Custom Reports, Generate Reports

Modify Charts

can update, delete and duplicate charts

See Charts, Generate Reports


NEXT: Users

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