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How to Manage Supplier Settings
How to Manage Supplier Settings

The Supplier Settings section contains information about your operation and configurations for underlying Ventrata functionalities.

Lucia Burin Sestakova avatar
Written by Lucia Burin Sestakova
Updated over a week ago

πŸ” Required Role Permissions: Supplier Settings, Modify Settings

The Supplier Settings section acts as a blueprint for your supplier account within the Ventrata infrastructure, defining key operational parameters.
Typically, your supplier account is pre-filled for you with basic details. You can, however, edit or add information to complete your setup.

  1. Access supplier settings by navigating to Supplier Settings > Supplier Settings.

    Supplier Settings - Supplier Settings

  2. Press the EDIT DETAILS button.

    Edit Details

  3. Review your settings and press the Update Supplier button to save your changes.

    Update Supplier

    πŸ“— TIP

    To view the full list of fields and their descriptions, jump to Supplier Settings Form.

Supplier Settings Form

The supplier detail form begins with information about the supplier. You can fill in as appropriate but you have to provide the supplier name at minimum.

Field Name


Field Name



shows the name of your operation, you can change it a later date; use printing variables to include this information in your templates

Feedback URL

insert the link to your feedback form


It is recommended to decide on a name that works for you in the long run. Changing the supplier name can confuse customers, lead to branding inconsistency and increase the administrative burden, among other issues.

Review URL

insert the link to your review form

Secure Password Policy

enable to enforce secure password policy for all accounts within the supplier account; a password must be longer than 8 characters with a mixture of UPPER case, lower case and include at least 1 number

Facebook URL

insert the link to your company Facebook account

Sms Sender

⛔️ this field is inactive

Google URL

insert the link to your Google reviews


create tags which can be applied to bookings or booking elements (items, gifts, etc.)

Tripadvisor URL

insert the link to your company Tripadvisor account

Contact Email

enter an email address where customers can reach you with questions regarding their bookings; use printing variables to include this information in your templates

Twitter URL

insert the link to your company X (formerly 'Twitter') account


If you enter a different email address in your destinations, it will override the address set in the Supplier Settings form.

Youtube URL

insert the link to your company Youtube account

Order Timeout (mins)

set the time limit in minutes, within which an order must be completed

Instagram URL

insert the link to your company Instagram account

Reseller Signup Email

when an agent registers with your operation to become a reseller, this is the email address which receives the reseller sign up

Supplier Settings

Field Name


Field Name


Magpie API Key

if you wish to link your MagPie account with Ventrata, enter your MagPie API Key here


select the country where your head office resides

Magpie Account ID

if you wish to link your MagPie account with Ventrata, enter your MagPie Account ID here


enter the address of your head office; use printing variables to include this information in your templates

Contact Telephone

enter a telephone number where customers can contact you; use printing variables to include this information in your templates

Google Place

insert the Google place ID of your company's head office

Available Currencies

select the currencies you support through your sales channels; the conversion rates of the selected currencies are displayed at the top of the supplier form


geographical coordinates of your company's head office

Default Currency

select the default currency the operation uses to set prices


geographical coordinates of your company's head office

Default Language

select the default language in which you engage with your customers; this affects the default language settings on your web checkout


enter your company website

Available Languages

list all the languages you in which your company can engage with your customers; this affects the supported languages on your web checkout

Default Manifest View

⛔️ this field is inactive


Content in all the listed languages needs to provided by your team

Field Name


Field Name


Time Zone

select the principal time zone in which your company operates

Minimum Terminal Version

enter the minimum version of the terminal app; this will prevent anyone starting a shift on a terminal with a lower version

Ledgers Time Zone

select the time zone which will be used when generating ledger entries; the Date and Sale Date columns are affected by the selected time zone

Gift Tax Rates

if you have a different tax rate for gift card sales, select the one that applies


select a brand for your supplier account


select a sequence counter; sequences count orders, transactions and invoices

Feedback Email Delay

configure how many days after the travel date the customer receives an email requesting feedback about their experience


select a receipt template that is printed by a terminal device or attached printer after making a booking

Booking Notification Email

enter an email address which receives all booking notifications; you can add multiple emails separated by a semicolon ';'

Gift Receipt

select a receipt template that is printed or sent to the customer's email address after purchasing a gift voucher

CC Every Email

when checked, include the booking notification email address from above in the carbon copy (cc) of all notifications to your customers regarding their bookings

Order Receipt

select a receipt template that is sent to the customer's email address after making a booking

Booking Notification Sources

select which sources trigger a booking notification

Field Name


Receipt Template

if you are using a BOCA printer, select the BOCA receipt template

Gift Receipt Template

if you are using a BOCA printer, select the BOCA gift receipt template

Enable Order Receipt Email

check to automatically send an email to customers with the order receipt attached

Enable Order Confirmation Email

check to automatically send an email to customers to confirm their booking, then select the appropriate email template if you have created any


Make sure that this is also enabled on the desired products

Enable Order Cancellation Email

check to automatically send an email to customers when their order is cancelled, then select the appropriate email template if you have created any


Make sure that this is also enabled on the desired products

Enable Order Update Email

check to automatically send an email to customers when their order is modified, then select the appropriate email template if you have created any


Make sure that this is also enabled on the desired products

Enable Booking Reminder Email

check to automatically send an email to customers 1 day before the travel date, then select the appropriate email template if you have created any


Make sure that this is also enabled on the desired products

Enable Booking Feedback Email

check to automatically send an email to customers after the travel date, then select the appropriate email template if you have created any ; configure the number of days in the 'Feedback email delay' field, see above


Make sure that this is also enabled on the desired products

Enable Reseller Application Email

check to receive notifications when a reseller registers on a sales portal, then select the appropriate email template if you have created any


Make sure that this is also enabled on the desired products

Enable Reseller Welcome Email

check to automatically send an email to a reseller when their agent account is activated, then select the appropriate email template if you have created any


Make sure that this is also enabled on the desired products

Enable Waiver Reminder Email

check to automatically notify customers to sign a waiver, then select the appropriate email template if you have created any

Require Ledger Codes

when checked, a ledger code must be created to cover all the accounts your company needs for its operation (Balance account, Discount Expense account to cover promotions, Split Commission/Commission account to cover reseller sales, etc.)

Field Name


Exchange rate markup

add a % markup on exchange rate when a customer pays in a different currency from your default currency.

Default Reseller Credit Limit

enter the default amount in your default currency that the reseller can collect through the 'Bill to my account' payment method; you have the option to adjust this amount for each reseller as appropriate

Gift Card Min Amount

enter the minim value of a gift card in your default currency

Gift Expiry

enter the gift card's expiration period in days, months or years

Gift Force Destination Match

if enabled, the gift card destination must match the order destination

Email Footer

enter a footer text that is appended to automatic emails sent to your customers; the field can be formatted using Markdown

Billing Details

enter your billing details, such as the address of your head office

Billing Terms

enter billing terms

Supplier Settings

Field Name


Privacy Terms

you have the option to enter the complete text of your privacy terms or a line with a link to the privacy terms hosted on your site

Ventrata Column/Your Column

rename Ventrata columns by using the label for the corresponding column as named in your ERP system; this can reduce manual work every time you export something from Ventrata

Gift Card Email Instructions

enter any important information in relation to the usage of a gift card; this information will be appended at the bottom of the gift card receipt


a key is automatically generated with the supplier account, it is used to create tasks


indicates whether the operation is billable by Ventrata


displays on which plan your company signed up with Ventrata

Custom Fonts

You have the option to upload custom fonts to use in your templates or web checkout. This feature allows you to tailor the visual style of your materials to match your brand's identity, providing a consistent and personalised experience for your customers.


Please ensure that you have the appropriate license or permission to use any selected fonts. Unauthorised use of fonts may infringe on copyright laws. We recommend using fonts under open source licenses, such as those available through Google Fonts. Always verify the licensing terms to avoid potential legal issues.

  1. In the Fonts tab of the Supplier Settings page, press the +NEW FONT button.

    + New Font

  2. Enter the typeface name, such as 'Times New Roman' or 'Open Sans'.

  3. Choose a file from a folder located on your computer for the respective font, such as 'Normal', 'Bold' or 'Italic'.

    πŸ“— TIP

    Only files in .tff format are accepted.

  4. Press the Create Font button.

    Create New Font

You can now customise your templates or create a brand using your custom fonts.

Delete Test Data

Before going live, you may want to start with a clean slate by removing all test data from your dashboard. To do this efficiently, you can bulk delete all test data by pressing the Delete Test Data button on the Supplier Settings page. This ensures that your live environment is free of any test entries, providing a clean and accurate start.

Delete Test Data

You can easily recognise test data by either a yellow highlighted row in the table view or a yellow ribbon at the top of the item detail .

Test Booking

Test Booking Detail


Before deleting all test data, make sure you do not need any of the data marked as test, including test resellers or terminals, etc.

Template Variables

You can create custom variables that you can use in your templates. By defining these variables, you can ensure consistency and accuracy across different language versions, making it easier to manage and update your templates efficiently.

  1. In the Key column, enter the variable key using underscore instead of space, for example, customer_name.

  2. In the Value column, enter the translation for the key, for instance, Name.

  3. Switch to the next language tab and provide the translations for all the other languages.

  4. Press the Save Changes button.

    Add Template Variables



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