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How to Create Web Checkouts
How to Create Web Checkouts

A web checkout is an online payment system that allows customers to purchase products or services directly through a website.

Lucia Burin Sestakova avatar
Written by Lucia Burin Sestakova
Updated today

πŸ” Required Role Permissions: See Checkouts, Modify Checkouts

A web checkout is an online payment system that allows customers to purchase products or services directly through a website. It provides a seamless and secure way to complete transactions, offering various payment options and ensuring a smooth user experience.

πŸ“— TIP

Learn how to implement the Ventrata checkout into your website.


  • Payment gateways for the web checkout are created in the Ventrata dashboard.


  • Product categories for the 'All Products' and 'Featured' categories are created in the dashboard.

  • Brands are created in the dashboard.

Create a New Web Checkout

  1. In the Ventrata dashboard, go to Web Checkouts > Checkouts.


  2. Press the + NEW CHECKOUT button.

    New Checkout

  3. Enter the checkout name.

  4. If you have more checkouts, check the 'Primary' box to make it your main checkout.

    Create New Checkout

  5. Add tags or start typing and press Enter to add new ones.


  6. Check the 'No-Index' box if you do not want your checkout indexed by search engine (such as, Google) and displayed in search results.


  7. Select a sales channel for the web checkout.


  8. You can choose to add a passcode to the checkout.


    πŸ“— TIP

    The passcode is used by customers to access the checkout and can serve as a security measure.

  9. Check the 'Search' box if you want to display a search bar on the home page of your checkout.


  10. Enter a title for your checkout.

  11. Add a tagline.

  12. Add a description to your checkout.

    Title, Tagline & Description

    πŸ“— TIP

    The title, tagline and description will be featured on the home page of the checkout. This can be a marketing text to highlight your selling points.

  13. Enter your GA4 Measurement ID.

    GA4 ID

    πŸ“— TIP

    Google Analytics 4 is an analytics service that helps you measure traffic and engagement across various platforms, like websites and apps. Find out where to locate your GA4 Measurement ID in this Google article.

    πŸ“’ NOTE

    The 'Google UA ID' and 'Segment Write Key' fields are no longer supported. Please ignore these fields when setting up your checkout.

  14. Check the 'Test Mode' box if the checkout is only created for testing purposes.

    Test Mode

  15. Press the + ADD CUSTOM DOMAIN button to host the checkout on a custom domain.

    πŸ“— TIP

    Read our article on the conditions and steps to setting up a custom domain.

  16. Check the 'Waitlists' box to enable the waitlist feature.

    πŸ“— TIP

    Learn more about the 'Waitlist' feature.

  17. Check the 'Quotes' box to enable the quotes feature.

    πŸ“— TIP

    Learn more about the 'Quotes' feature.

  18. Check the 'Allow Gift Voucher' to enable the sale of gift vouchers through the checkout.

    πŸ“— TIP

    Learn more about the sale of 'Gift Cards' on the Web Checkout.

    πŸ“’ NOTE

    The 'Gift Products' and 'Show Gift Allowed' fields are no longer supported. Please ignore these fields when setting up your checkout.

  19. Select which currencies are supported on the checkout.

    Available Currencies

  20. Select the payment gateways can process transactions on this web checkout.


  21. Check the 'Enable Order Recovery Email' box to allow sending automated emails to customers who abandoned their order before completing it.

    Order Recovery Email

    πŸ“— TIP

    You may select a promotion to apply a discount to bookings as an incentive to the customer to complete the order.

    Order Recovery Promotion

  22. Check the 'Hide Header' and / or 'Hide Footer' to hide these elements on the checkout website.

    Hide Header & Footer

  23. Check the 'Allow Checkin' box to allow customers to check in on their own using the web checkout.

  24. Select using which method(s) customers can check in.

    Allowed Checkin Methods

  25. Assign the checkout to a reseller.


  26. Blacklist destination by selecting destinations in the field. Or, uncheck 'Whitelist All' and select destinations to display products ONLY from these destinations.

    Blacklist & Whitelist Destinations

  27. Select a page for the destinations landing page.

  28. Select a landing page for the checkout.

    Landing Page

    πŸ“— TIP

    Learn how to create pages for the web checkout.

  29. Blacklist products by selecting products in the field. Or, uncheck the 'Whitelist All' and sell ONLY these products.

    Blacklist & Whitelist Products

  30. Blacklist categories by selecting categories in the field. Or, uncheck the 'Whitelist All' and sell products ONLY from these categories.

  31. Select a category which contains featured products.

    πŸ“— TIP

    Featured products will be displayed on the home page of the web checkout.

  32. Select a category which contains all your products.

    πŸ“— TIP

    The 'All products' category is used to reorder products in a specific way. Learn more about product Categories.

    Blacklist & Whitelist Categories

  33. Assign a brand to the checkout.


    πŸ“— TIP

    Brands encompass the visual identity of the entity to which it is assigned. Learn more about Brands.

  34. Set up the colour palette of your checkout:

    • Primary colour - the colour of prices, the Add to Cart button, number of passengers, links in text

    • Secondary colour - of the secondary web elements

    πŸ“’ NOTE

    The below colour settings are no longer supported dashboard settings.

    • Background colour

    • Link colour

    • Nav link colour

    • Nav text colour

    • Nav bg colour

    • Success text colour

    • Danger text colour

    • Warning text colour

    • Info text colour

    You can adjust the colours of certain elements by editing the data-config in the web checkout script. For more information, please read the web checkout Implementation Guide.

  35. Insert a URL to your Privacy Policy.

    πŸ“— TIP

    If a URL is entered, a checkbox with the standard 'I have read and accept the Privacy Policy' formula will appear on the checkout form when the customer's personal details are entered.

  36. Check or uncheck the 'Show Powered by' box to display or hide the 'Powered by Ventrata' text on the checkout.

    Show Powered By

    πŸ“— TIP

    The text also links to

  37. Press the Create Checkout button.

    Create Checkout

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