π Required Role Permissions: Gateways
Create Gateway
In the Ventrata dashboard, go to Supplier Settings > Gateways.
Select the desired gateway type.
On the left side of the form, enter a name for the gateway.
The 'Active' checkbox must be selected for the gateway to be used in the defined areas, see step 8.
Gateway Name
Select what currencies can be used to make payments through this gateway.
The list of currencies comes from the currencies selected in the supplier settings.
If you want to enable fraud tools for this gateway, check the 'Fraud Assessment Required' box.
Fraud Assessment Required
When fraud assessment is enabled, multiple checks are performed on each transaction that contribute to a fraud score. This score identifies potentially fraudulent transactions and may increase the number of declined transactions.
Apply a fee (a % of the total price) for, for example, credit card transactions or bank transfers.
Check the 'Custom Gateway' box if your gateway is outside of the standard Ventrata integration.
Custom Gateway
For more information, please contact your Ventrata Customer Successive Representative.
Select the sources where the gateway will be used to process payments:
E-commerce - used by customers on the web checkout
MOTO - used by internal sellers and reseller agents on the sales portal
Point of Sale - used by internal sellers and reseller agents on the Ventrata terminal app
Select specific areas where the gateway will be used to process payments:
Destinations, Checkouts & Portals
Make sure that the appropriate gateways are also selected on the specific destination, checkout and portal.
The right half of the gateway form is different for each gateway. Work with your dedicated Ventrata Payment Specialist or Customer Success Representative to complete the form.
When ready, press the Create Gateway button.
Create Gateway
Order Gateways
On the Gateways table, grab the left-most part of each row and reorder your existing gateways in the order in which they will be used on the
and portals
the gateway supports, see Create Gateway above.
Reorder Gateways
The order in which gateways are listed does not affect how locations and terminals only use gateways. Locations and terminals also ignore whether the gateway is 'active' and the sources selected.
Locations and terminals use the gateway selected in the location and terminal forms, respectively.