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How to Create Seasons

Seasons help define peak and off-peak times, allowing businesses to adjust their offering and prices accordingly.

Lucia Burin Sestakova avatar
Written by Lucia Burin Sestakova
Updated over 5 months ago

πŸ” Required Role Permissions: See Seasons, Modify Seasons

Seasons play a crucial role in planning and pricing strategies. They help define peak and off-peak times, allowing businesses to adjust their offerings and prices accordingly.

Understanding and utilising seasonal trends enables you to optimise your resources and maximise customer satisfaction.

Create a New Season

  1. In the Ventrata dashboard, go to Products > Seasons.

  2. Press the + New Season button.

  3. Enter a name for the season.

  4. If the season applies to an operator, select the operator from the drop-down field.

  5. Select a date range based on travel date and/or booking date.

  6. When you have more seasons in your dashboard, you can copy the rates form another season to the new season.

  7. Check the 'Availability' box if the season affects product availability.

  8. Select which rate types are affected by the season.

  9. Select which products, resources and resellers are affected by the season.

  10. Press the Create Season button.

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