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How to Use the Transfers Table
How to Use the Transfers Table

Transfers refer to the movement of funds between accounts.

Written by Lucia Burin Sestakova
Updated over a week ago

Default Columns

​The Transfers table contains all of your transfers with the following default columns:​

  • Reference - a alphanumeric transfer reference

  • Gateway - the payment gateway through which the transfer was made

  • Status - shows the transfer status

  • Date - shows the exact date of the transfer

  • Payments - shows the total amount of a transfer without any deductions

  • Refunds - shows the amount of refunds, if any

  • Disputes - shows the disputed amount

  • Bills

  • Adjustments - represent the transaction fees taken by the payment service provider (PSP)

  • Fees - shows the sum of all types of fees accumulated in the transfer, such as payment fees and conversion fee

  • Total- shows the net amount of a transfer (after deductions)

  • Diff - shows the balance due


Columns can be easily filtered by pressing the arrow next to the column title.


The action bar between the navigation bar and the bookings table enables you to perform a number of additional functions.

  • Search bar - filter the bookings table, using any parameter from the available columns

  • Keep Filter - when using search, tick the checkbox to make the column filters available

  • Saved Searches - press Saved Searches> Save Current Search to save your current search parameters and filtered columns, or Saved Searches > Manage Searches to edit or delete existing searches


To learn more about saved searches, read our article Working with Saved Searches.

  • Reset All Filters - appears when a filter was used; press to reset filters to their default states

  • Bulk Actions - select one or multiple bookings and press to apply an action on your selection; options include

Bulk Action


Delete All

delete all selected transfers

  • Show Columns - press to add new columns, or remove existing ones from your current view


The list of columns which can be added is listed at the end of this article, under Generate Report.

  • Export - export the bookings table in CSV, Excel or SQL format

  • Generate Report - create charts and reports to analyse data from the booking table


To learn more about reports, read our article Working with Charts and Reports.

Manage Transfers

Select a row to view transfer management options:

  • Transactions - view all transactions pertaining to the transfer

  • Download - download the transfer settlement report

  • Run Reconciliation - verify that the transfer has been accurately recorded and that the recorded information matches the actual transaction.

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