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How to Use the Calendar
How to Use the Calendar

Product availabilities, bookings, manifests and resource allocations in one comprehensive view.

Lucia Burin Sestakova avatar
Written by Lucia Burin Sestakova
Updated over 5 months ago

πŸ” Required Role Permissions: See Calendar, Modify Calendar, Modify Manifests, Update Availability

Calendar Navigation

Use the filters at the top of the calendar view to limit the information in the calendar.

Options include the following in their default states:

  • Products

  • Resellers - none pre-selected

  • Resources

  • Guides

  • Sources

  • Date - pre-selected to today's date

  • Days - pre-selected to display the calendar to the current day, options include

    • 1 day

    • 3 days

    • 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 weeks

  • Product search - select multiple products

Press the Go button to filter.

Calendar View

Below the filter bar the results are shown in a calendar.

The bar on top of each calendar allows for further customisation and actions to manage your tours.


On the left portion of the bar the following actions are available:


The export action triggers the download of a CSV file containing an overview of the selected calendar for each option or tour, along with the assigned guides and resources.

  1. In the calendar, press the EXPORT button.

  2. Select the date range

  3. Check the boxes for items that you do not want to export.

  4. Select which columns will be included in the export.

  5. Press the Export Availability button.

New Dispatch

Coordinate and assign your vehicles and drivers to transport passengers where pickup or dropoff is requested.

Creating a dispatch from the calendar follows a similar process to the one on the Dispatches page. However, this method streamlines the workflow by pre-selecting certain fields, such as the product, and automatically including other details, such as options and tours.

  1. In the calendar, press the + NEW DISPATCH button.

  2. Enter a name for the dispatch. This is an internal reference for your and your staff.

  3. Select whether the dispatch is picking customers up for a tour or dropping them off after one.

  4. Select the vehicle for the dispatch as appropriate.

  5. Select a driver and/or guide.

    πŸ“— TIP

    The list of assignees comes from the list of your sellers under Ticket Terminals > Sellers. Anyone assigned to the dispatch will be able to view the list of bookings on the Manifests page of the Ventrata Terminal app.

  6. The 'Manifest' field is pre-selected. It contains information about the product, all of its tours within the selected date range.

  7. Enter any notes related to the dispatch. These can be seen by your staff.

  8. Assign bookings to the dispatch from the list of bookings at the bottom of the form.

  9. Press the Create Dispatch button.

Bulk Change


It is recommended to perform changes to availability through the General Availability tab by applying modifiers you require to achieve your end goal. The Bulk Change functionality allows for an easier but by no means master solution to make wider-scale ad hoc changes and should not replace other means of availability management, such as seasons or closures which are designed to help you organise product availability.

  1. In the calendar, press the BULK CHANGE button.

  2. Allocate resources in bulk by re-defining any of the following parameters:

    • Date range

    • Sources

    • Months and Weekdays

    • Tour Groups and Tours

    • Capacity

    • Limit

    • Fare

  3. Press Save to save your changes.

Bulk changes can be applied up to 3 months ahead.

Clear Calendar


Before you make a bulk change, make sure no resources are assigned to the product for the period you are about to change. Otherwise the changes will not take over.

If multiple changes have been made on the product’s availability, you risk inconsistencies in the expected availability by doing a bulk change. It is recommended to apply changes to a clear calendar which you can achieve by deleting all availability for the entire year or by manually removing individual changes for the required time period.

πŸ“— TIP

Learn more about product availability in our article How to Manage Availability.


​The right half of the calendar bar offers several ways to filter your view.

Show As

Use the dropdown field to display availability in your preferred format:

  • PAX - the number of booked spots / the total number of available spots

  • Vacancies - the total number of available spots / the number of booked spots

  • Limit - the total number of available spots

  • Fare - assigned fare if any

  • Manifest - shows a detailed overview of the booking, including customer name, number of PAX per booking pick up point, seats, resources, any associated notes

Press the refresh button on the far right to change the view.

Toggle views

Toggle what types of bookings or availabillities to hide:

  • empty - there are no bookings

  • closed - availablility is closed

  • packages - booking or tours that are packages

  • pending - bookings which are in progress

Select Columns

Select which columns are visible. Options include

  • Product

  • Option

  • Tour

  • Date

  • Allocation

  • Run

  • Tour Group

  • Guide

  • Driver

  • Resource Group

  • Resource

  • Notes

To apply any of the filters, press the refresh button to reload the view.

Manage Availability

Once you can see the information you need in the calendar, you can begin managing your bookings and resources directly in the calendar.

You can assign guides, drivers and resources within the calendar view.

Select an availability to view the manifest.

At the top, additional actions allow for further tweaking:



Sort By

sort bookings by

  • Last Name

  • Pickup Time

  • Travel Date/Time

Top-level Manifest

If you are viewing the resource group manifest, you can only modify guides, drivers and vehicles.

Go to the top-level to manage resource groups.

Re-assign Resources

change what bookings are using what resources within the resource group

Seat Allocations

change customer seats

View in Bookings

view the bookings from the manifest filtered out in the Bookings table

Print Manifest

print or save the manifest as PDF

Send Manifest

send the manifest as PDF and CSV, to send it to multiple recipients, separate address using a comma

+ New Booking

make a new booking with for the day with the date and product pre-selected

You can also

  • add capacity

  • open/close availability

  • add resources

​The body of the manifest displays

  • all the bookings for the day

  • number of tickets per ticket type (adult, child)

  • pickup points if available

  • total amount payed

You can also Redeem or No-show a booking from the manifest.


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