You can customise the manifest view so that you see only information that are important for your operation.
In the Ventrata dashboard, go to Calendar.
π TIPIf you have destinations set up, select the destination for which you want to create the manifest.
Press the Manifests button.
Press the Add Manifest button.
Enter manifest name.
You can add multiple products and/or resources to a manifest, therefore it can be named to encompass these elements and help you recognise the correct manifest in a list.Select a colour to help differentiate manifests from each other.
Select a destination to associate with the manifest (if applicable).
Associate products with your manifest.
Associate resource groups with your manifest.
Customise your default view:
The settings below can be adjusted in the future, however, for best user experience, your default settings should be optimised to minimise the need to adjust the view.
Rearrange, add or remove, columns that should be displayed on the manifest by default.
βRearrange, add or remove, columns that should be displayed on the manifest by default.
Select day range of your view. Options include periods between one day and sixteen weeks.
Select the default information for each tour or product.
Select which types of tours or products to hide in your default view.
Select 'Custom Columns' to enable switching between two datasets on the tour manifest - Bookings and Tickets.
At the bottom of the form, then select the default view and rearrange, add or remove columns.
Customise your print view:
Select page orientation
Add page break
Select page and font size
Select the sort option on the printed page - this will determine how bookings show on the page
Press the Create Manifest button.
Access all your manifests from the Calendar in the top navigation or the Manifests button.