Batches are groups of vouchers issued to resellers, either pre-printed or generated digitally, to streamline the sales and distribution process.
They also ensure that the settlement methods available in the terminal match those configured in the reseller details.
Batches must be created for the appropriate reseller(s) in the Ventrata dashboard.
Verify that the necessary settlement methods are enabled in the reseller details.
Verify that the same settlement methods are enabled in the location details.
Reseller Settlement Methods
In your Ventrata dashboard, go to Resellers > Resellers.
Select the reseller who uses batches.
Press the EDIT DETAILS button on the Reseller level.
Scroll down the reseller form or search for 'Allowed Settlement Methods'.
Review or change settlement methods the reseller should have.
Exit the form or press the Update Reseller button if you made any changes.
Location Settlement Methods
Then, go to Ticket Terminals > Locations.
Select a location where reseller batches will be used.
Scroll down the location form or search for 'Allowed Settlement Methods'.
Make sure the same settlement methods are selected as on the reseller detail in step 5.
Exit the form or press the Update Location button if you made any changes.
Using Batches
In the Ventrata terminal app, go to the Scan
Scan the reseller batch string.
In this example, the batch number is entered (a value within the defined batch range). This is also the reseller reference displayed on the booking detail.
You can skip taking a picture of a voucher.
Select the product, unit, the date and time of a tour as available.
Select the ticket delivery method.
Select a settlement method.
The list of available settlement methods must match those allowed in the reseller and location details.
Press the Pay Now or Pay Later button, depending on the selected settlement method.
Select the payment method.
Then, press the Pay Now button to complete the order.