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How to Use the Dashboard
How to Use the Dashboard
Written by Lucia Burin Sestakova
Updated over a week ago

The Dashboard is top level view of your account. This is where the most important metrics over a period appear. Dashboard allows you to see your current and past Sales, all divided according to specific tiers of customer (totalled by PAX).

It consists of two main tabs called DASHBOARD and COMPARISON. The first tab is Revenue and PAX, the second a comparison of
similar period from before. The tabs may be customised to reflect particular information you are looking for.

The first part of Dashboard shows a line graph of sales by period. The grammar of Dashboard to visualise metrics is SHOW [Option] OF [Top-level KPIs] BY [Date] EVERY [Bin Sizing] BETWEEN [Date Ranges]. Here is the breakdown of what it all means:

  • Show - Sum, Difference, or % Difference

  • Of - Net Revenue, Gross Revenue, Reseller Commision, Seller Commision, Cost, Profit Margin

  • By - Booking date, Travel date or Redemption date

  • Every - Day, Week or Month, either Separately or Cumulatively

Note also the options to Hide Not Set values, Update or Reset current settings and Refresh Data to reflect metrics in a real time.

Right below the search bar you can switch between particular destinations (if you have any set up) or you can see the total data from All Destinations.

Desired date range is possible to set in a bar below two main tabs - DASHBOARD and COMPARISON.

You can choose from preset values - Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Week to date, Last Week, Month to date, Last Month, Quarter to date, Last Quarter, Year to date, Last Year or set completely Custom Range.

  • Sum - the total revenue in dollar figures

  • Difference - the difference between the two compared dates in dollar figure

  • % Difference - the difference in the two compared periods in percentage

  • Net Revenue - this stands for Retail Rate - Commission - Tax

  • Gross Revenue - the total amount of sales for specific time period

  • Reseller Commission - variable-pay remuneration for products sold (to resellers)

  • Seller Commission - variable-pay remuneration for products sold (to sellers)

  • Cost - the price you buy third-party products at

  • Profit Margin - the amount by which revenue from sales exceeds costs: Gross Revenue - Commission - Cost

  • Booking Date - the date when a booking was made

  • Travel Date - the date when a tour takes place

  • Redemption Date - the date when a product was redeemed

  • Separately - tracks sales separately

  • Cumulatively - tracks sales cumulatively so you can see at each point how you did compared to the same point from the same period the year before

The Dashboard intelligently does year-on-year comparisons based on the calendar week day (not the date). It takes the equivalent day from the last year that is the same as today (or whichever time period you set in between section) to avoid an unfair comparison in the DASHBOARD and COMPARISON tabs. For example, it will compare Mon 2 September 2019 to Mon 3 September 2018.

Next to these bars with filters you have Saved Dashboards button, which allows you to:

  • Save Dashboards - save the currently generated outcome for later

  • Manage Dashboards - option to delete / update / view your saved dashboards

When you hit Save Dashboard you can fully customize dashboard to your liking:

  • Name

  • Private - makes dashboard visible only for you

  • User - makes dashboard visible for particular user only (option for admins only)

  • Show: (Sum, Difference, % Difference)

  • Scalar: (Net Revnue, Gross Revenue, Reseller Commision, Seller Commision, Cost, Profit Margin)

  • Column: (Booking Date, Travel Date, Redemption Date)

  • Step: (Day, Week, Month)

  • Separately/ Cumulatively

  • Range: (Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Week to Date, Last Week, Last Month, Year to Date, Last Year)

  • Comparison Range: (Pevious Day, Previous Week, Previous Month, Previous Year)

  • Blocks: (Channel, Destination, Nationality, Booking Window, Country, Status, Direct, Booking Type, Product, Product Operator, Item, Extra, Day of the Week, Product Tags, Item Tags, Seller, Location, Location Tags, User, Reseller, Reseller User, Reseller Tags, Promotion, Tier, Payment Method, Source, Connection Type, Ledger Code)

After hitting the Update button, the dashboard will update itself based on your selected filters and you will be given one detailed graph and pie charts below. Reset button on the other hand deletes all the applied filters. Refresh Data button will update the graph with current values keeping all the filters.

In the graph there is a blue line showing you the sales for the set date / time period and a grey line which shows the sales for the same date / time period of last year. The graph also shows major holidays so it is obvious to see how spikes in your sales might have happened.

Toggling Net Revenue and PAX will affect which one of these values will be shown on the graph.
You can also download it's data in SVG, PNG or CSV format using grey hamburger icon below.

You may also find a lot of other useful information below the graph in the pie charts, each linking PAX in a chosen time period to SALES.

You may update each of the pie charts to show the relevant information you are looking for by clicking the name of the chart and typing or selecting different filters from the menu.

At the top right corner of every chart, there is also a hamburger menu icon which allows you to download it in PNG, SVG or CSV format.

All possible visible charts are:

  • Channel - which can be filtered by the channel of the sale (it's what you setup):

  1. Location -> channel

  2. Checkout -> channel

  3. Reseller -> channel

  • Destination - where you can find different cities or regions with different products within your account

  • Nationality - divided to Domestic and International

  • Booking Window - reflecting the gap between booking and travel date (Same Day, 1-3 Days, 4-29 Days, 30+ Days,)

  • Country

  • Status - showing the statuses of particular bookings

  • Direct - gives you the option to differ between your Direct and Indirect sales

  • Booking Type - whether it’s Standalone, Package, Option or Purchases

  • Product - filter by your products (either all of them or specific ones)

  • Product Tags- tags associated to particular products for the purpose of reporting

  • Product Operator- identifies the operator of the product

  • Item - you are selling

  • Item Tags - shows the tags assigned to items

  • Seller - shows sellers of your products

  • Location - where your products are sold

  • Location Tags- where your products are sold

  • Day of Week - referring to particular day of sale

  • User - people with their own login password, such as managers, finance staff etc

  • Reseller User - identifies users for a reseller

  • Reseller - displays resellers of your products

  • Reseller Tags - shows the assigned to resellers

  • Promotion - shows your promotions

  • Tier - shows ticket types

  • Payment Method - card, cash, voucher, gift, other

  • Source - web checkout, direct API, terminals, concierge, backoffice

  • Connection Type - shows any of your available connections for your resellers

Do not forget to click the SHOW MORE button located at the bottom of each chart, because not all information is displayed on the first sight.

Examples of Use


Getting the totalled reseller commission on the travel dates for the Easter period 2019

In the Dashboard tab select SHOW Sum OF Reseller Commission BY Travel Date EVERY Day Cumulatively BETWEEN Custom Range 19.4.2019 – 22.4.2019 .


Compare Christmas gross profit margin for the Christmas to New Years period between 2018 and 2019

In Dashboard tab select SHOW Sum OF Profit Margin BY Booking Date EVERY Day Separately/Cumulatively BETWEEN Custom Range 24.12.2019 – 31.12.2019 .

In the Comparison tab select the same filters as in Dashboard tab - just change the between variable of Custom Range to 24.12.2018 – 31.12.2018.

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