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How to Create Articles

Keep your customers informed with the latest news from your destinations.

Lucia Burin Sestakova avatar
Written by Lucia Burin Sestakova
Updated yesterday

πŸ” Required Role Permissions: Articles

Articles are used to provide news, updates or interesting insights about your tours and attractions, engaging potential customers to book tours with your operation. This content is designed to entertain and engage your customers.

Create a New Article

  1. In the Ventrata dashboard, go to Web Checkouts > Articles.

  2. Press the + New Article button.

  3. Select the checkout where the article will be hosted.

  4. Select a destination in the checkout, where the article will be accessible from.

  5. Select in what languages the article will be available.

  6. Enter a title for the article. The article title appears on the browser tab, the article page and forms part of the article URL.

    πŸ“’ NOTE

    The 'Keywords' field is currently inactive.

  7. Add metadata to improve the article's SEO and help potential customers find the article easier.

    πŸ“’ NOTE

    The 'Description' field is currently inactive.

  8. Enter the body of the article.

    πŸ“— TIP

    You can format the article in HTML.

    πŸ“’ NOTE

    Repeat steps 8.-10. for every language in which the checkout is supported.

  9. Press the Create Article button.

πŸ“— TIP

To use images in articles, please contact Ventrata Technical Support to upload your images to our public server. They will provide you with public URLs to use in the articles.

Please, ensure that all images used are either licensed for public use or your own property to avoid copyright infringement.

Create a Recommendation

When an article is created, you have the option to add recommendations. Recommendations can be links to other articles, tours or buttons to buy tickets for specific attractions. Recommendations appear below the article content.

  1. Open an existing article.

  2. In the Recommendations tab, press the + NEW RECOMMENDATION button.

  3. Enter a name for the recommendation. This is the title above the content of the recommendation.

  4. You have the option to upload an image. This will be the thumbnail image of the recommendation.

  5. Enter a checkout product link or the link to the checkout widget to motivate the customer to book a tour.

  6. Enter a description of the recommendation. This can be either a simple text, or links to other articles or tours.

    πŸ“— TIP

    You can format the page in HTML.

  7. Press the Create Recommendation button.

You can add multiple recommendations to a single article.

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