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How to Use Messages

Contact sellers or locations directly from the Ventrata dashboard, and allow your sellers to reach you using their terminal devices.

Lucia Burin Sestakova avatar
Written by Lucia Burin Sestakova
Updated over 8 months ago

Operation to Seller

Contact your seller in the field by composing messages in the dashboard. Once a message is created, it is disseminated to the targeted sellers or locations.

Create a New Message

  1. In the Ventrata dashboard, go to Ticket Terminals > Messages.

  2. Select the correct destination.

  3. Press the + New Message button.

  4. Select the date when the message will be sent.

  5. Select a message template.

  6. Upload an attachment.

  7. If you did not choose a template, enter the body text of the message.

  8. Select whether the message is sent to

    • Seller - choose one seller; only the seller logged in on a terminal device will receive the message

    • Location - select one or more locations in the destination; all the sellers logged in on terminal devices in the selected locations will receive the message

  9. Press the Create Message button. This sends the message to the selected target.

Create a New Template

Develop templates for recurring messages. When creating a new message, simply choose the appropriate template.

  1. In the Ventrata dashboard, go to Ticket Terminals > Messages.

  2. Select the correct destination.

  3. Press the Templates button.

  4. Press the Add Template button.

  5. Enter the template name.

  6. Select a category or start typing and press Enter to create a new category.

  7. Enter the body text of the template.

  8. Press the Create Template button to save the template. No message is sent at this point.

Message Received

A message from the operation appears as a yellow banner on any of the terminal pages and a number on the Inbox tab indicates the new message. All the messages are housed under the Inbox tab.

Seller to Operation

Sellers can send messages to the operation using the Ventrata terminal app.

  1. In the Ventrata terminal app, go to the Inbox tab (triangle with an exclamation mark).

  2. Press the + sign to compose a new message.

  3. Type your message.

  4. Press the arrow to send the message.

The message appears on the Ticket Terminals > Messages page of the Ventrata dashboard.

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