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How to Reconcile a Shift

Ventrata allows cashiers to reconcile each shift and make sure amount turned in by sellers match the sales made through the terminal app.

Lucia Burin Sestakova avatar
Written by Lucia Burin Sestakova
Updated over 8 months ago

When a sales shift ends, cashiers perform a shift reconciliation to ensure that the amount of cash, card payments, and vouchers received matches the revenue recorded through the terminal app.

Discrepancies may occur due to errors made by sellers, loss of money, etc. The seller controller (or cashier), a user role with access to the shift management tool in the dashboard, is responsible for verifying the amounts turned in by the sellers and identifying any shortages or excesses. This cash-up process involves the cashier confirming that the reported amounts match the cash drawer contents.

Additionally, a separate role, the approver, can be created in the Ventrata dashboard to approve the shift reconciliation. In smaller operations, the cashier may also serve as the approver, while in larger operations, an accountant typically assumes this role.

Reconciliation Process​

  1. In the Ventrata dashboard, go to Ticket Terminals > Shifts.

  2. Select a shift in 'Ended' status.

  3. Select a user with cashier privileges.

  4. Press the Start Reconciliation button.

  5. Review the information in the reconciliation window, which displays shift information in two columns:

  6. Count all of the bills and coins in the denominations delivered by the seller.

  7. Enter the quantity of bills in their respective denominations. Enter the total value of all coins in one currency in the 'Other' field.

  8. Press the SAVE CHANGES button.

    πŸ“— TIP

    Each currency is declared in its own cash declaration box. Make sure you enter the values in the correct box.

  9. If there is a difference between what has been declared in the shift and the count, add a transaction adjustment.

  10. Press the + ADD TRANSACTION ADJUSTMENT button.

  11. Press the SAVE CHANGES button.

  12. Repeat for each adjustment.

    πŸ“— TIP

    Transaction adjustments are helpful when a mistake was made when recording the transaction by the seller. Transaction adjustments made during shift reconciliation are recording in the Shift Adjustments table.

  13. Review the reconciliation status and reconcile each item.

    πŸ“— TIP

    The Approve Shift button is disabled until every item is 'Reconciled'.

  14. Enter any notes as appropriate.

  15. If reconciliation cannot be successfully finished, press the Reject Shift button.

    πŸ“— TIP

    You have the option to un-reject a shift if the shift can be reconciled at a later date.

  16. If all items are successfully finished, press the Approve Shift button.

    πŸ“— TIP

    You have the option to un-approve a shift if previously approved, as needed.


Sales is a record of all of the interactions the seller has made using the terminal app. The individual section headers are clickable and will redirect the user to the appropriate table view within the Ventrata dashboard.

The following interactions are recorded

  • SALES - cash/card transactions made by the seller

  • VOUCHERS - paper vouchers exchanged (not connected)

  • UPGRADES - upgraded tickets; seller should hand in the original tickets

  • CANCELLATIONS - cancelled tickets/orders made by the seller

  • EXTRAS - extras sold by the seller

  • PURCHASES - retail items sold by the seller

  • REDEMPTIONS - OTA/Web tickets and all connected suppliers that are exchanged

  • SCANS - scans made to get on the attraction

  • PRINT ERRORS - the type and number of occurrences of the print error



Transactions are a record of all available payment methods on the location.

πŸ“— TIP

If more than one currency/denomination is allowed at the point of sale, a box for each currency is displayed.

  • CREDIT/DEBIT CARD - all quantity and total value of card transactions

  • CASH - quantity and value of cash transactions

  • RESELLER VOUCHER - number and value of reseller vouchers redeemed

  • GIFT CARD - number and value of gift cards redeemed

  • OTHER - bank transfer/check transactions

  • TOTAL - the total sum of sales, refunds, and net total

Users & Roles

View the seller who's shift is being reconciled. The user in the cashier role can be changed at a later stage by pressing the bin icon and selecting a user with cashier privileges. If a supervisor is assigned, the user assigned this role will be listed here.


Additional information about the Seller can be seen below the shift approval buttons.

These include:

Additional Actions

Additional actions are possible in the shift detail.

  • ​Refresh - refresh to see new sales if shift still open or update shift

  • Edit - change shift location, start and end date and time

  • Merge Shift - if there is another shift by the same seller on the same day, you can merge them together

  • Re-print Receipt - press to print a sales report of the sellers shift

  • Print Summary - press to generate a PDF sales report of the sellers shift

  • Mark as Live/ Mark as Test - change to make seller shift live and include it in your accounting; change to make live seller shift to test and exclude the shift from accounting

  • Re-open Shift - manually re-open the seller's shift

  • Block Shift - manually block/un-block the seller's shift

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