The PAX IM30 is a versatile unattended self-service payment terminal that can function independently or integrate with additional devices, such as turnstiles.
Set up Device with VivaWallet
The device is configured in the PAX store.
Make sure that the location where the device will be used has internet access.
You can connect the device via Wi-Fi, an Ethernet cable, or a 4G network.
The device is plugged into a power outlet.
Ventrata terminal app is pushed to the device.
Turn on the device.
Select the device language.
On the device, press the User Activation button.
Make a note of the device activation code, which is displayed on the screen. You will need it later.
Log into your VivaWallet account on
Go to Sales > Physical Payments.
Select ‘Card Terminals’.
Press the + New Card Terminal button.
Enter the device code.
Press the Next button.
The device then asks the user to confirm the account where all transactions will be transferred.
Press the Continue button.
Next, the Ventrata terminal app is pushed onto the device in the PAX store by Ventrata. Here, you will only need to provide the device’s serial number.
Create Terminal
To use an IM30 payment terminal with the Ventrata terminal app, create a terminal entry for the device in the Ventrata dashboard.
In the Ventrata dashboard, go to Ticket Terminals > Terminals in the navigation bar.
If you use Destinations, select the destination for which you want to add the new terminal.
Press the + New Terminal button.
Enter terminal 'Name'.
Make sure to enter a descriptive name so the device is easily recognised in the list.
Enter 'Serial Number' if available.
You can find the Serial Number on the back of the device (copy the number following S/N).
Select a Viva Wallet gateway.
Select the configs of all peripheral devices such as scanners and turnstiles that communicate with the terminal.
Select the Scan Only mode.
Check the 'Perform Next Action' to have the device automatically execute the next logical step as configured in the Location settings.
Select the location where the device will be used.
Press the Create Terminal button.
Create Preset
The IM30 will typically grant access to or sell one particular product in a specific configuration, for example, only adult tickets for one option will be sold.
Therefore, setting up a preset helps streamline the sales process by utilising the self-service function of the device and minimising resources at every post.
In your Ventrata dashboard, go to Ticket Terminals > Presets.
Make sure the correct destination is selected.
Press the + New Preset button.
Enter a name.
It is good practice to include a descriptive name, for example, the product code, unit, tour time and/or promotion if available.
Select the product the preset is for.
If the product has options, select an option.
Select a unit.
Select a tour (optional).
If no tour is specified, at the time of purchase, the next available tour will be automatically selected.
You can select a promotion which will be automatically applied to the booking.
Press the Create Preset button.
Create Location
In the Ventrata dashboard, go to Ticket Terminals > Locations.
Select the appropriate destination.
Press the + New Location button.
Enter the location's name. Specify if the location is an entrance or an exit.
Assign a sales channel where sales from the location will be recorded.
Assign a Viva Wallet gateway.
If the device also communicates with a turnstile, you can configure and add a counter to the location.
Select whether the device scans entries or exits.
Select the counter associated with the turnstile associated with the IM30.
Select whether the counter counts entries or exits.
To create a counter, follow the steps in this article.
Select 'Collect Balance' under 'Allowed Next Actions.
You can keep all other options checked, except 'Complete Waiver' selected.
Select what payment methods will be accepted at the location.
The IM30 is a self-service payment terminal, therefore make sure to keep the 'Credit/Debit Card' method checked.
Select how tickets purchased form the terminal will be delivered.
Select a preset, or a booking configuration of a product, that will be the only product sold at the location.
To create a preset, follow the steps outlined here.
Make sure to whitelist the product of the preset by unchecking the 'Whitelist All Products' and selecting the correct product.
Then, uncheck the 'Allow Redeem All Products' and select the same product here.
Finally, add the IM30 terminal to 'Scan Terminals'.
Press the Create Location button.
Activate Stand Alone Mode
Double press SERVICE button on the back of the device.
Enter the PIN that has been set during the initial Viva Wallet POS APP activation.
Press the burger menu in the top left corner of the screen.
Press ‘System’ at the bottom of the menu.
Select the ‘Settings’ menu option.
Enter the same PIN code from step 2. to access the Viva Wallet POS APP Settings.
Select the ‘Operation Mode’ option.
Toggle Unattended ON to enable the unattended functionality.
The device can be securely mounted to a flat surface at the location, allowing customers to interact with it to purchase tickets.