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Working with Saved Searches

Records stored in the database are organised into different columns which you can add, remove or arrange to your liking.

Lucia Burin Sestakova avatar
Written by Lucia Burin Sestakova
Updated over 5 months ago

πŸ” Required Role Permissions: Save Searches, Save Public Searches, Manage Searches

The Ventrata dashboard displays your data in an interactive table view similar to a pivot table.
Records stored in the database are organised into different columns which you can add, remove or arrange to your liking. To make sense of this information, you are likely to use only a handful of columns regularly. The Ventrata dashboard offers the Saved Searches functionality to save your selections and retrieve them at a moment's notice.
You can use your saved searches as input data to create reports.

πŸ“— TIP

To learn more about reports, read our article Working with Charts and Reports.

Save a Search

In this article, the Bookings page is used as an example.

  1. In the Ventrata dashboard, go to Bookings > Bookings.

  2. Press the Show Columns button.

    Show Columns

  3. Review your current columns. Add new columns by selecting one from the available list or start typing and select the matching title. Remove columns by pressing the red cross (x). Rearrang columns by dragging and moving the column title to the desired position.

  4. Filter columns by search, checkboxes or date ranges.

  5. Once you are happy with your view, press the Saved Searches button.
    Select 'Save Current Search'.

    Save Current Search

  6. Enter 'Name'.


  7. Keep the 'Private' box checked if the search should be available only to you. If you untick the box, other users within your organisation will have access to your search and will be able to modify it.

    πŸ“— TIP

    If you want to share your saved search with someone but you do not want to make it public, you can share the link to you search. That way no one else is able to see and modify it.

  8. Keep the 'Save filters' box checked if the filters on your columns should be part of your search. If you untick the box, only the column selection and order will be saved.

    Private Search & Save Filters

  9. Review the selected columns before saving.


  10. Press the Create Search button.

    Create Search

Any time you want to retrieve this view, press the Saved Searches button and select the respective search.

Select Saved Search


Manage Searches

  1. In the Ventrata dashboard, go to Bookings > Bookings.

  2. Press the Saved Searches button.

  3. Select 'Manage Searches'.

    Manage Searches

  4. A new window with a list of your saved searches appears onscreen.



  5. Press the MAKE DEFAULT button to make your search the default view when you enter the page, without having to select it from Saved Searches.

    πŸ“— TIP

    To undo this, press the REMOVE DEFAULT button and the page displays the system default view or another search you have selected.

  6. Press the pen and paper icon to edit the search. You will be redirected to the Save Search window from above.

  7. Edit your search settings.

  8. Press the Update Search button to save your changes.

    Update Search

    πŸ“— TIP

    You may also choose to Duplicate or Delete the search.

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