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How to Use the Bookings TableThe Bookings tab houses all of your reservations, item or gift purchases, and keeps record of your customers and resource allocations.
How to Use the Booking LevelBooking Level refers to the booking detail, which appears when you select a specific booking on the Bookings page.
How to Upgrade Bookings from the DashboardUpgrade from one product to another seamlessly while maintaining important booking data intact.
How to Use the Tickets TableTickets are the bottom layer of the booking hierarchy: an order can have multiple bookings, while a booking can contain multiple tickets
How to Use the Orders TableAn order is the top layer of the booking hierarchy in that an order can have multiple bookings, while a booking can contain multiple tickets
How to Create and Use TasksManage bookings using Tasks to provide exceptional customer support.
How to Use the Extra Upgrades TableExtras are non-booking items, such as mugs as souvenirs. They have their own price and are always sold with a booking.
How to Use the Item Purchases TableDisplay all item purchases that are sold. Unlike bookings, retail items have no travel date, expiry or capacity descriptors.
How to Use the Adjustments TablePrice adjustments change the price of a product to match the prices on the market or because a custom price is needed
How to Use AdjustmentsPrice adjustments are changes to the price of a product to match the prices on the market, or because a custom price may be needed.
How to Use the Customers TableCustomers is a database of your customers’ contact information.
How to Use the Gifts TableThe Gifts page provides an overview of all the gift cards sold through your operation.
How to Use the Resource Allocations TableResource Allocations is an overview of allocated resources across all your bookings where resources where assigned.