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How to Set up the Product Level

Product Level is the product page which contains product settings such as tickets, rates, tour times or availability.

Lucia Burin Sestakova avatar
Written by Lucia Burin Sestakova
Updated over 2 weeks ago

πŸ” Required Role Permissions: Products, Options, Units, Update Availability,

Each setting is placed in logical containers, easily accessible from the product level.

Product details

Change the product definition by pressing the pen and paper icon in the left corner, or press the bin icon to delete the product.



Create tickets your customers can buy to attend your attraction.

πŸ“— TIP



Define a time range when booking or cancellation of a tour is possible.


Cutoffs do NOT apply to Backoffice sales.


  • Booking Cutoff - define how long before tour time a booking is possible, for example, setting the booking cutoff to 24 hours means that the tour is unavailable 24 hours before tour start

  • Ignore Cutoff If PAX - tick the checkbox if the cutoff should be ignored when the tour has at least one booking

    πŸ“˜ EXAMPLE

    A walking tour company pays a guide the same rate for every day when he shows up for the tour, regardless of the tour group's size.

    The company can add a 24 hour cutoff and regularly check bookings for the following day. If no tickets were sold, the company does not need to book the guide for the next day and saves costs for every day no bookings were made.

    However, if there was at least one booking, the cutoff is ignored and any last minute sales are allowed, because the guide needs to be booked anyway. This option prevents anyone from booking the tour 1 hour before the tour time and not having a guide.

  • Cancellation Cutoff - define how long before the tour time it is possible to cancel a booking, for example, setting the cancellation cutoff to 3 hours means that the tour cannot be cancelled if the tour begins in 3 hours or less

  • Advance Cutoff - define how long ahead a tour can be booked, for example, setting the advance cutoff to 30 days means that the tour can be booked only within the next 30 days from the current date

Specify cutoffs for each option (if applicable) and press the SAVE CHANGES button.

Save Changes


Select which customer fields should be visible and required on the booking form. These can be specified for each ticket and each booking.


List of available fields

Salutation - the preferred form of address for the customer, for example, Mr., Mrs., or Ms.

Full Name - the customer's complete name, which may include their first, middle and last name(s)

First Name - the customer's first name, which may include a middle name if applicable

Last Name - the customer's last name, which may consist of one or more family names

Company - the organisation where the customer is currently employed

Department - the department within the customer's place of employment

Title - the position or role held by the customer within their company

Email - the customer's email address

Mobile - the customer's mobile phone number

Age - the customer's age

Language - the customer's preferred language for communication

Country - the customer's country of residence

Address - the street name and number of the customer's residence

City - the city in which the customer resides

State/Province - the state (as in the USA or Mexico) or province (as in Canada or Switzerland) where the customer lives

ZIP/Postal Code - the ZIP or postal code corresponding to the customer's address

Notes - the customer may include notes at checkout

Tax ID - the customer's tax identification number

Tax Office - the tax office where the customer files or reports their taxes

Marketing - an opt-in checkbox for the customer to subscribe to receive marketing communication from your company

Specify fields for each source, then press the SAVE CHANGES button.

Save Changes


Create non-booking items, such as mugs or blankets as souvenirs. They have their own price and are always sold with a booking.

πŸ“— TIP


Press the Pricing button on the right to adjust prices using the available rate modifiers. Press SAVE CHANGES to save your settings.


You can only change values for combinations of modifiers in this window. If you wish to change the percentage to fixed price or vice versa, you need to edit the Extra detail using the pen and paper icon.

Extra Pricing


Dynamically control the pricing by setting up one or multiple rules, where at least one or all of them have to be met. When these rules are met, the price of your product changes automatically.



Set prices for the different ticket tiers, reseller rates or costs associated with the product.
Use rate modifiers below the rates table to define prices for different sources, seasons, tours, resellers or currencies.

Rate Modifiers

Use the MODIFIERS button in the top right corner of the rates table to add rate modifiers directly into the table view and review all the possible rate variations.


Typically a modifier, such as Option or Fare (as appropriate), may already be pre-selected under the MODIFIERS button.

When setting up your rates, be sure to set your prices also WITHOUT any modifiers selected, otherwise the 'From Price' is always 0, affecting prices form OTAs.



Switch between tabs to view and set the different rate types:

  • Retail - the amount customers pay to purchase a ticket

  • Commission - the amount resellers earn from the sale of your product

  • Wholesale - the wholesale rate of the product; this is the price the reseller pays for the product from you

  • Cost - the amount you invest into the product, either the price of the purchase of a 3rd party product or a fixed cost per ticket, such as a fee for a guide included in the ticket price. This is reflected in the Accounting section of the booking level.

  • Strike - the deleted rate, this is useful if you wish to highlight an advantageous price change

When your rates are set, press the SAVE CHANGES button to save your settings.

Save Changes


Create variations of your products, for example, based on language, duration or time of day, or change the composition of includes for package products.


Options affect product structure and the final price.

πŸ“— TIP



Set a schedule of tour times throughout the day when customers can visit your attraction.


Tours affect product availability.

πŸ“— TIP


Tour Groups

Group tours together based on time of day to change pricing and availability.


To use 'Sunrise' and 'Sunset' presets, enter the product longitude and latitude on the product detail.

πŸ“— TIP

Tour Groups


Offer your customers a dropoff after the tour is concluded. Dropoffs are location-based rather than time-based.


To enable dropoffs, the 'Dropoff Available' checkbox on the tour detail must be ticked.

πŸ“— TIP


Combinations (Cross-sell)

Create combinations of products which can be offered IN ADDITION to an already selected product, either at full price or, typically, for a discount.


Combinations are not available through the Backoffice channel.

Combinations (Cross-sell)

Comparisons (Up-Sell)

Create comparisons to products which can be offered INSTEAD OF an already selected product. This can be a premium product for a higher price with extras included in the attraction or a variation of the same product for the same price.


Comparisons are not available through the Backoffice channel.

Comparisons (Up-Sell)

Included Products

If your product is a package, i.e. the 'Package' checkbox is ticked on the product form, the Included Products tab is added to the product level. Add standalone products which constitute a package product.

Included Products

General Availability

Manage product availability using availability modifiers based on product setup.
Availability modifiers in the General Availability table include, but are not limited to:

Availability can be set for an entire modifier, for example, make availability changes to 'Monday' and every Monday will have the exact same settings. Or you can choose to select a specific combination at the intersection of two modifiers in the table. Additionally, you can include modifiers from the bottom drop-down lists, thus availability is applied when the rules specified in General Availability are met.

πŸ“— TIP

To learn more about availability, read our article Availability Management.

General Availability

Opening Hours

Opening hours determine which of your tours are available. Tours outside opening hours are not shown during booking. With opening hours, you have the option to create different opening hours for different days and months, which can be valid for specific date ranges but not for others.

πŸ“— TIP

Opening Hours


Allocations allow you to limit product availability for resellers by capping their availability pool. You have the option to create exclusive allocations, thus decreasing the parent capacity. A more in-depth overview of allocations with examples can be found in our Allocations article.


Gallery Images

Upload gallery images by pressing the + NEW GALLERY IMAGE button.

Gallery Image

The uploaded images will appear in a rolling strip on your web checkout. You may include a title and a caption. To finish the process, press the Create Gallery Image button. Repeat the process for every image.

Create Gallery Image

Banner Images

Upload banner images by pressing the + NEW BANNER IMAGE button.

+ New Banner Image

The uploaded images will appear in a rolling strip at the top of the product page on your web checkout. You may include a title and a caption. To finish the process, press the Create Banner Image button. Repeat the process for every image.


If a banner image is uploaded on the Branding tab, the rolling strip is replaced with the branding banner.

Create Banner Image


Product Logo

Visible on branded items, such as receipts, tickets and emails.
​Cover Image

Displayed on product lists; this is the first image of your product that your customers see.
​Banner Image

Visible at the top of the product page. Only one image can be uploaded here.


If banner images have been already uploaded on the Banner Images tab, those will be replaced by this banner image.


This replaces the banner image to showcase your product.


Product Information

Add more details about your product. While the above settings are aimed at creating a working product, the settings below are intended to engage the customer.




change the product name as it appears in the Ventrata dashboard and on the web checkout; this is pre-populated at product creation


the product's tagline

Redemption Instructions

information on how to redeem a voucher for the product

Sales Tag

a strip across the product cover, for example, 'Bestseller'; appears both on the web checkout and concierge portal

Short Description

a short description of the product displayed on the product web page

Usage Instructions

information on how to use the tickets

Sales Checklist

this is shown below the Add to Cart button on the web checkout. It includes information you would like to tell the customer in order to influence their purchasing behaviour, such as β€œAll entry tickets included”

Internal Notes

include instructions or notes the staff should be wary of, for example, "Please ask for ID when purchasing"; internal notes appear on the sales portal

Internal Notes - Concierge Portal

Booking terms

enter the booking terms the customer has to accept before purchasing the product; when filled in, a checkbox appears below the booking calendar with a link to the booking terms, see these Web Checkout examples.


list what is included with the product; displayed below the description with a green check mark


list what is NOT included with the product; displayed below the description and inclusions with a red cross

URL Path

a unique URL of the product page; automatically generated based on the product name


a strip of text across the banner on the checkout widget

Cancellation policy

enter the cancellation terms the customer has to accept before purchasing the product; when filled in, a checkbox appears below the booking calendar with a link to the cancellation policy, see these Web Checkout examples.


frequently asked questions, include questions customers might be interested in knowing the answers to and provide clear answers;


provide interesting facts, information that highlight your product; exposed via OCTO API


SEO tags, for example, title, keywords, summary

Website HTML

space for custom HTML code of the product page

Long description

the main description of the product; displayed below the gallery images

Product Information


Any updates to the product are logged at the very bottom of the product level. To view specific types of logs, switch between the User Comments and System Updates tabs, or browse the All Logs tab for a complete list of logs.



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