Booking Details
{{booking.balance}} - outstanding amount for the booking
{{booking.code}} - imported booking code
{{booking.created_at}} - date and time when the booking was created
{{booking.created_at_dow}} - day of the week when the booking was created
{{booking.created_at_time}} - time when the booking was created
{{}} - travel date
{{booking.duration}} - duration of the tour
{{booking.notices}} - notices set in the dashboard
{{product.operator_mobile}} - operator phone number
{{booking.package}} - name of the booked package
{{booking.package_option}} - name of the package option
{{booking.paid}} - amount paid for the booking
{{booking.primary}} - indicates if it is the primary product in an order (YES / NO)
{{booking.pass}} - reference for products inside a pass
{{booking.purchases}} - booking purchases
{{booking.redeemed_at}} - redemption date
{{booking.redeemed_at_dow}} - day of the week for redemption
{{booking.redeemed_at_time}} - time of redemption
{{booking.refunded}} - amount refunded to the customer
{{booking.reference}} - unique identifier for the booking
{{booking.supplier_reference}} - booking suppliers's unique identifier
{{booking.reseller_reference}} - booking reseller's unique identifier
{{booking.size}} - number of adults, children, etc.
{{booking.status}} - booking status in the dashboard
{{}} - number of tickets by tier
{{booking.tiers}} - ticket tiers
{{booking.units}} - list of booked units
{{booking.upgrades}} - booking upgrades (extras)
Booking Changes
{{booking.cancelled_at}} - date and time of booking cancellation
{{booking.updated_at}} - date and time of the last update
Booking Warning
{{booking.not_redeemed_warning}} - prints the NOT REDEEMED / NOT A TICKET message on a printed ticket when the associated booking was not redeemed
Use the {{not_redeemed_warning}} variable. It allows the system to automatically detect whether the {{booking.not_redeemed_warning}} or {{ticket.not_redeemed_warning}} variable should be applied.
This variable is intended for printed tickets only. It serves as an alert for drivers and sellers so they do not allow anyone boarding with unredeemed tickets. It also helps identify cases where the ticket may have already been redeemed and discarded.
{{booking.charity_roundup}} - charity roundup
{{booking.commission}} - commission amount
{{booking.cost}} - booking cost
{{}} - discount on the booking
{{booking.margin}} - margin on the booking
{{}} - tax amount (if set)
{{}} - total booking price
{{booking.total_no_tax}} - booking total without tax
Meeting Point
{{booking.meeting_point}} - meeting location
{{booking.meeting_point_coordinates}} - GPS coordinates of the meeting point
{{booking.meeting_time}} - meeting time
Payment Form
{{booking.tour_group}} - product tour group
{{booking.opening_hours}} - opening hours
{{booking.pickup_time}} - pickup time (if pickup is available)
{{booking.pickup_requested}} - customer requested pickup (YES / NO)
{{booking.dropoff_time}} - dropoff time
{{booking.active_from_iso8601}} - date since when the booking is valid in YYYY-MM-DD format
{{booking.active_to_iso8601}} - date when the booking expires in YYYY-MM-DD format
{{booking.expires_on}} - booking expiry date
{{booking.open_dated}} - open dated booking (YES / NO)
{{booking.valid_from}} - valid from date
{{booking.valid_until_date}} - valid until date
{{booking.valid_from_date}} - valid from date
{{booking.valid_until_time}} - valid until time
{{booking.valid_from_time}} - valid from time
{{booking.valid_until_dow}} - valid until day of week
{{booking.valid_from_dow}} - valid from day of week
{{booking.pdf_url}} - voucher URL to a PDF file
{{booking.pkpass_url}} - voucher URL to a PKPASS file, which can be added to a digital wallet
{{customer.full_name}} - customer's complete name
{{customer.first_name}} - customer's first name
{{customer.last_name}} - customer's last name
{{}} - customer's email address
{{}} - customer's mobile phone number
{{}} - organisation where the customer is employed
{{customer.notes}} - customer's notes added during checkout
{{customer.language}} - customer's preferred language
{{}} - customer's country of residence
{{customer.state}} - state or province (in the USA or Canada) where the customer lives
{{customer.address}} - street name and number of the customer's residence
{{customer.postal_code}} - ZIP or postal code of customer's address
{{customer.tax_id}} - customerโs tax identification number
{{customer.tax_office}} - tax office where the customer files or reports their taxes
{{}} - product name
{{product.code}} - product code
{{product.caption}} - one sentence description
{{product.description}} - one paragraph description
{{product.destination}} - product destination
{{product.exclusions}} - things not included with the booking
{{product.inclusions}} - things included in booking
{{product.long_description}} - long product description
{{}} - option name
{{option.description}} - option summary
{{option.code}} - option code
{{option.language}} - option language
{{option.meeting_point}} - option meeting point
{{option.meeting_time}} - option meeting time
{{product.booking_terms}} - booking terms
{{product.usage_instructions}} - voucher / ticket instructions
{{product.redemption_instructions}} - redemption instructions
{{product.meeting_point}} - product meeting point
{{product.meeting_time}} - product meeting time
{{tour.time}} - tour time
{{tour.code}} - tour code, for example, flight number
{{date}} - tour date
{{tour.meeting_point}} - tour meeting point
{{tour.meeting_time}} - tour meeting time
{{product.supplier_company}} - supplier company name
{{product.supplier_contact}} - supplier contact person
{{product.supplier_email}} - supplier email
{{product.supplier_address}} - supplier address
{{product.operator}} - operator company name
{{product.operator_contact}} - operator contact person
{{product.operator_email}} - operator email
{{product.operator_address}} - operator address
{{product.cancellation_policy}} - booking cancellation policy
{{combination.product}} - name of the combination product
{{}} - discount used for a combination product
{{}} - promotion name
{{promotion.code}} - promotion code
{{}} - discounted value
{{option.from_point}} - Point-to-Point start location
{{option.to_point}} - Point-to-Point end location
{{option.from_point_group}} - group (zone) of the Point-to-Point start location
{{option.to_point_group}} - group (zone) of the Point-to-Point end location
Ticket Details
{{ticket.code}} - ticket code (if imported)
{{ticket.date_dmy}} - travel date in DD-MM-YYYY format
{{ticket.date_mdy}} - travel date in MM-DD-YYYY format
{{ticket.reference}} - unique identifier for the ticket
{{ticket.size}} - number of PAX
{{}} - ticket tiers
{{ticket.unit}} - list of units
{{ticket.commission}} - sales commission on a ticket
{{ticket.cost}} - cost per ticket
{{}} - discount on a ticket
{{ticket.margin}} - margin per ticket
{{ticket.price}} - price per ticket
{{ticket.price_no_tax}} - price per ticket without tax
{{}} - total price per ticket
{{ticket.total_no_tax}} - total price per ticket without tax
{{}} - tax per ticket
Payment Forms
Ticket Changes
{{ticket.updated_at}} - date when the ticket was updated
{{ticket.created_at}} - date when the ticket was created
Ticket Warning
{{ticket.not_redeemed_warning}} - shows the NOT REDEEMED / NOT A TICKET message on a printed ticket when the associated ticket was not redeemed
Use the {{not_redeemed_warning}} variable. It allows the system to automatically detect whether the {{booking.not_redeemed_warning}} or {{ticket.not_redeemed_warning}} variable should be applied.
This variable is intended for printed tickets only. It serves as an alert for drivers and sellers so they do not allow anyone boarding with unredeemed tickets. It also helps identify cases where the ticket may have already been redeemed and discarded.
โ{{ticket.tier}} - ticket type
{{ticket.upgrades}} - ticket upgrades (extras)
{{ticket.valid_from_dow}} - valid from day of week
{{ticket.valid_from_time}} - valid from time
{{ticket.valid_from_date}} - valid from date
{{ticket.valid_until_dow}} - valid until day of week
{{ticket.valid_until_date}} - valid until date
{{ticket.valid_until_time}} - valid until time
Order Changes
{{order.cancelled_at}} - date and time of order cancellation
Order Details
{{order.checkout_url}} - send Pay now links or confirm quotes
{{order.code}} - order code (if imported)
{{order.confirmed_at}} - order date
{{order.created_at}} - date when the ticket was created
{{order.currency}} - currency in which the order was created
{{order.reference}} - unique identifier for the order
{{order.shift_sequence}} - shift sequence of the order
{{order.source}} - source of the order, for example web checkout, terminal, backoffice
{{order.ip_address}} - IP address of online bookings
{{order.latitude}} - location coordinates where the order was made (street sales)
{{order.longitude}} - location coordinates where the order was made (street sales)
{{order.notes}} - notes added during checkout
{{order.test}} - test order (YES / NO)
{{order.user_agent}} - browser client (online sales)
{{order.voucher_code}} - voucher code used to purchase the order
{{order.answers}} - question and answer(s) associated with the order
{{order.question_answers}} - only the answer(s) to the question associated with the order
{{created_at}} - time and date when the gift voucher was created
{{gift.amount}} - gift voucher value
{{gift.code}} - gift code
{{gift.message}} - message from the purchaser
{{recipient.full_name}} - recipient of the gift voucher
{{customer.full_name}} - purchaser of the gift voucher
{{gift.reference}} - unique identifier for the gift voucher
{{gift.instructions}} - instructions associated with the gift voucher
{{gift.expires_at}} - gift voucher expiry date
{{recipient.first_name}} - first name of the gift voucher recipient
{{recipient.last_name}} - last name of the gift voucher recipient
{{}} - email of the gift voucher recipient
{{}} - phone number of the gift voucher recipient
{{recipient.language}} - language of the gift voucher recipient
{{}} - country of the gift voucher recipient
{{recipient.address}} - address of the gift voucher recipient
{{}} - reseller name
{{reseller.code}} - reseller code
{{}} - reseller band
{{reseller.address}} - reseller address
{{reseller.directions}} - directions to reseller address
{{}} - concierge agent name (reseller sales)
{{voucher.tier}} - voucher ticket tier
{{voucher.unit}} - list of units on the reseller voucher
{{voucher.quantity}} - number of voucher tickets
{{}} - reseller sub brand
{{purchase.reference}} - unique identifier of the purchase
{{}} - total purchase price
{{purchase.total_no_tax}} - purchase price without tax
{{}} - purchase price with tax
{{purchase.updated_at}} - date and time of the last update
{{purchase.created_at}} - date and time of when the purchase was created
{{purchase.quantity}} - number of purchases
{{}} - name of the web checkout