Supplier Details
{{supplier_telephone}} - the phone number set up in supplier settings: tx/ticket/group
{{supplier_email}} - the email address set up in supplier settings: tx/ticket/group
{{supplier_address}} - the supplier address up in supplier settings: tx/ticket/group
{{supplier_name}} - identifies the supplier account and destination
Booking Details
{{booking_code}} - for imported booking codes: tx/ticket/group
{{booking_commission}} - shows the commission on a booking
{{booking_created_at}} - shows when the booking was created in dd/mm/yyyy format tx/ticket/group
{{booking_created_at_dow}} - shows the day of the week of booking creation tx/ticket/group
{{booking_created_at_time}} - shows the time of booking creation tx/ticket/group
{{booking_date}} - the travel time ticket/group
{{booking_pickup_time}} - pickup time (for bookings with pickups) ticket/group
{{booking_pickup_requested}} - if the customer requested a pickup
{{booking_reference}} - Ventrata generated unique identifier for the booking
{{booking_supplier_reference}} - Ventrata generated unique identifier for the booking supplier
{{booking_reseller_reference}} - Ventrata generated unique identifier for the booking reseller
{{booking_status}} - status of the booking in Ventrata
{{booking_size}} - for one ticket per booking, it will print how many adults, children, etc
{{booking_tax}} - if the tax rate is set on the product, it will print the tax added
{{booking_tickets}} - for one ticket per booking
{{booking_tiers}} - identifies the ticket tier
{{booking_package}} - the name of the package that was booked
{{booking_package_option}} - the name of the option of package that was booked
{{booking_primary}} - tells you whether it is the primary product (the first one that was added) in an order (yes / no)
{{booking_pass}} - if the product is inside a pass this returns the reference of the pass
{{booking_total}} - the total price for a booking
{{booking_total_no_tax}} - shows booking total without tax applied
{{booking_cost}} - shows the cost of the booking
{{booking_margin}} - shows the margin on a booking
{{booking_card_total}} - shows total value according to used payment form
{{booking_cash_total}} - shows total value according to used payment form
{{booking_voucher_total}} - shows total value according to used payment form
{{booking_other_total}} - shows total value according to used payment form
{{booking_public_notes}} - notes added by concierge
{{booking_private_notes}} - private notes added by concierge / reseller agents
{{booking_pickup_notes}} - notes regarding pickup
{{booking_notices}} - shows booking notices (set in a dashboard)
{{booking_redeemed_at}} - shows the date of redemption in the dd/mm/yyyy format
{{booking_redeemed_at_dow}} - shows which day of the week was booking redeemed
{{booking_redeemed_at_time}} - shows the time of redemption
{{booking_discount}} - shows discount on a booking
{{booking_charity_roundup}} - shows the charity roundup
{{booking_meeting_point}} - shows the meeting point
{{booking_meeting_time}} - shows the meeting time
{{booking_valid_until_date}} - valid until a date
{{booking_valid_from_date}} - valid from a date
{{booking_valid_until_time}} - valid until which time
{{booking_valid_from_time}} - valid from which time
{{booking_valid_until_dow}} - valid until a day of a week
{{booking_valid_from_dow}} - valid from a day of a week
{{booking_updated_at}} - shows when the booking was updated in dd/mm/yyyy format
{{booking_cancelled_at}} - shows when the booking was cancelled in dd/mm/yyyy format
{{booking_not_redeemed_warning}} - this should only come up on tickets, so that the drivers/sellers know that they shouldn’t accept anyone boarding with this ticket as it needs to be firstly redeemed or it may be a discarded redeemed ticket and the ticket has already been redeemed
{{booking_expires_on}} - indicates when the booking expires
{{booking_upgrades}} - shows booking upgrades
{{booking_purchases}} - shows booking purchases
{{booking_resource_allocations}} - shows resource allocations
{{booking_duration}} - duration of the booking taken from product details
{{booking_meeting_point_coordinates}} - latitude and longitude of the meeting point
{{booking_pdf_url}} - voucher URL
{{product_operator_mobile}} - phone number of the operator
{{booking_tour_group}} - shows the Tour Group set up on the product
{{booking_opening_hours}} - opening hours of the product
{{booking_dropoff_time}} - shows the dropoff time setup in product details
{{booking_units}} - shows the list of booked units
{{booking_open_dated}} - shows whether the booking is open dated or not
{{booking_valid_from}} - shows the date since when the booking is valid
{{booking_active_from_iso8601}} - shows the date since when the booking is valid in YYYY-MM-DD format
{{booking_active_to_iso8601}} - shows the date when the booking expires in YYYY-MM-DD format
{{booking_question_answers}} - shows answer for question associated to the booking
{{customer_full_name}} - the name and surname of customer
{{customer_first_name}} - the first name of customer
{{customer_last_name}} - the last name of customer
{{customer_email}} - the email address of customer
{{customer_mobile}} - the phone number of customer
{{customer_company}} - the company of customer
{{customer_notes}} - the notes of customer
{{customer_language}} - the language of customer
{{customer_country}} - the country of customer
{{customer_address}} - the address of customer
{{customer_postal_code}} - shows the postal code of the customer
{{customer_tax_id}} - shows customer’s tax ID
{{customer_tax_office}} - shows the customer tax office
{{dropoff_name}} - name of the dropoff
{{dropoff_instructions}} - instructions for a dropoff
{{pickup_name}} - name of the pickup
{{pickup_address}} - address of a pickup
{{pickup_directions}} - directions of a pickup
{{hotel_name}} - the hotel pickup name
{{product_name}} - product name
{{product_code}} - product code
{{product_caption}} - a short one sentence marketing caption (editable on a product)
{{product_description}} - a short one paragraph description (editable on a product)
{{product_destination}} - destination to which product belongs to
{{product_inclusions}} - product inclusions
{{option_name}} - option name
{{option_description}} - Option descriptions are set when editing options_ This can be edited in Options
{{option_code}} - code of the option
{{option_language}} - language of the option
{{option_meeting_point}} - meeting point of the option
{{option_meeting_time}} - meeting time of the option
{{product_booking_terms}} - booking terms of the product (editable on a product)
{{product_usage_instructions}} - short instructions_ This can be edited in Options
{{product_redemption_instructions}} -redemption instructions (editable on a product)
{{product_meeting_point}} - meeting point of the product
{{product_meeting_time}} - meeting time of the product
{{tour_time}} - the time of the tour
{{tour_meeting_point}} - meeting point of the tour
{{tour_meeting_time}} - meeting time of the tour
{{product_supplier_company}} - the supplier name
{{product_supplier_contact}} - the supplier contact
{{product_supplier_email}} - the supplier email
{{product_supplier_address}} - the supplier address
{{product_operator_company}} - the operator name
{{product_operator_contact}} - the operator contact
{{product_operator_email}} - the operator email
{{product_operator_address}} - the operator address
{{product_cancellation_policy}} - the cancellation policy of the product_ This can be edited in Options
{{combination_product}} - if the product was purchased with a combination, the name the other product it was purchased with
{{combination_discount}} - indicates the discount used for a product in combination
{{promotion_name}} - shows the name of used promotion
{{promotion_code}} - shows the code of a promotion
{{promotion_discount}} - shows the discounted value
{{option_from_point}} - shows the stop where a Point to Point starts
{{option_to_point}} - shows the stop where a Point to Point ends
{{option_from_point_group}} - shows the zone in which a Point to Point starts
{{option_to_point_group}} - shows the zone in which a Point to Point ends
{{item_name}} - item name
{{item_code}} - item code
{{item_destination}} - item destination
{{item_description}} - item description
{{item_category}} - item category
{{item_tax_label}} - item tax label
{{item_tax_rate}} - item tax rate
{{ticket_code}} - for assigned imported barcodes
{{ticket_price}} - the price per ticket
{{ticket_cost}} - the cost per ticket
{{ticket_margin}} - the margin per ticket
{{ticket_price_no_tax}} - the price per ticket without tax
{{ticket_total}} - the total price per ticket
{{ticket_total_no_tax}} - the total price per ticket without tax
{{ticket_tax}} - tax per ticket
{{ticket_card_total}} - how much was paid by card per ticket
{{ticket_cash_total}} - how much was paid in cash per ticket
{{ticket_voucher_total}} - how much was paid by voucher per ticket
{{ticket_other_total}} - how much was paid by “other” method of payment per ticket
{{ticket_reference}} - a Ventrata generated identifier for the ticket
{{ticket_commision}} - shows sales commision on a ticket
{{ticket_discount}} - shows discount on a ticket
{{ticket_tier}} - ticket type (overwrites with name given)
{{ticket_date}} - shows the travel date of a ticket
{{ticket_upgrades}} - if a product has associated upgrades and it has been upgraded, this will print details of the upgrade
{{ticket_valid_from_dow}} - valid from a day of the week (eg Monday)
{{ticket_valid_from_time}} - valid from which time
{{ticket_valid_from_date}} - valid from which date
{{ticket_valid_until_dow}} - valid until a day of the week (eg Wednesday)
{{ticket_valid_until_date}} - valid until a date
{{ticket_valid_until_time}} - valid until a time
{{ticket_updated_at}} - shows in the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
{{ticket_created_at}} - shows in the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
{{ticket_size}} - number of pax
{{ticket_tickets}} - shows tier labels of product in booking
{{ticket_not_redeemed_warning}} - so that the drivers/sellers know that they shouldn’t accept anyone boarding with this ticket as it needs to be firstly redeemed or it may be a discarded redeemed ticket and the ticket has already been redeemed
{{ticket_unit}} - shows the unit associated with the ticket
{{ticket_question_answers}} - shows answer for question associated to the ticket
{{seller_name}} - the name of seller (for direct sales)
{{user_name}} - the name of the Ventrata user (for backoffice sales)
{{terminal_name}} - name of terminal
{{location_name}} - name of seller’s location
{{shift_date}} - date of shift
{{shift_started_at}} - when the shift started
{{shift_ended_at}} - when the shift ended
{{order_code}} - for imported orders
{{order_balance}} - shows outstanding balance of an order
{{order_currency}} - shows order currency
{{order_created_at}} - time an order was created
{{order_notes}} - notes
{{order_reference}} - a Ventrata generated identifier for the order
{{order_source}} - the source the order was created from (eg web, concierge, terminal, etc)
{{order_total}} - the total order
{{order_test}} - shows whether it’s test order
{{order_tax}} - shows tax related to order
{{order_surcharge}} - shows surcharge fee
{{order_paid}} - shows how much was paid for an order
{{order_latitude}} - coordinates of where the order was made on street
{{order_longitude}} - coordinates of where the order was made on street
{{order_ip_address}} - shows IP address when booking via web
{{order_user_agent}} - shows client’s browser
{{order_created_at}} - shows the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
{{order_confimred_at}} - shows the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
{{order_cancelled_at}} - shows the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
{{order_voucher_code}} - shows the voucher code used to purchase the order
{{order_shift_sequence}} - shows the sequence of the shift where the order was created
{{order_checkout_url}} - send pay now links or confirm quotes
{{reseller_name}} - the reseller name
{{reseller_code}} - the reseller code
{{reseller_band}} - band assigned to a reseller
{{reseller_address}} - address of a reseller
{{reseller_directions}} - directions of a reseller
{{agent_name}} - the name of the concierge agent (for reseller sales)
{{voucher_tier}} - the ticket tier specified on a voucher
{{voucher_unit}} - shows the ticket unit associated with the reseller voucher
{{voucher_quantity}} - the number of tickets specified on a voucher
{{outlet_name}} - the reseller sub brand
{{agent_name}} - shows the name of the reseller’s agent associated with the booking
{{gift_amount}} - the actual value of a gift voucher
{{gift_code}} - gift reference
{{gift_message}} - message from the purchaser
{{recipient_full_name}} - to whom is the gift voucher addressed to
{{customer_full_name}} - purchaser of the gift voucher
{{gift_reference}} - shows the reference number of the gift voucher
{{gift_instructions}} - shows the instructions associated with the gift voucher
{{gift_expires_at}} - shows the date when gift voucher expires
{{recipient_first_name}} - shows first name of the gift voucher recipient
{{recipient_last_name}} - shows last name of the gift voucher recipient
{{recipient_email}} - shows email of the gift voucher recipient
{{recipient_mobile}} - shows phone number of the gift voucher recipient
{{recipient_language}} - shows language of the gift voucher recipient
{{recipient_country}} - shows country of the gift voucher recipient
{{recipient_address}} - shows address of the gift voucher recipient
{{purchase_reference}} - reference number of a purchase
{{purchase_total}} - total price of a purchase
{{purchase_total_no_tax}} - price of a purchase without tax
{{purchase_tax}} - tax of a purchase
{{purchase_updated_at}} the time the purchase was updated
{{purchase_created_at}} - the time the purchase was created
{{purchase_quantity}} - count of purchases
{{checkout_name}} - shows the name of the web checkout through which the booking was made
{{company_name}} - name of your organisation
{{code_image_url}} - generate a QR Code generated for the booking detail
When adding the
variable, include thewidth
attributes in the<img>
tag, the recommended size is 120 x 120 px.For example,
<img src="{{code_image_url}}" width="120px" height="120px">